German Shepherd Greyhound Mix Breed Info & Guide

The German Shepherd Greyhound Mix was developed from a cross between two breeds: the German Shepherd and the Greyhound.

Both breeds are strong, with a variety of desirable qualities that were placed into the mix. One can only imagine what the result is.

Unfortunately, the German Shepherd Greyhound Mix is rare, compared to his parent breeds.

Personality and appearance vary, but this mix is known to be intelligent, perhaps more than the parents.

And why not?

It is one thing to have a German Shepherd or a Greyhound, but when you get the best of both worlds, you reap the incredible benefits attached to them.

Having said that, the German Shepherd Greyhound Mix has its needs, strengths, weaknesses and may not be suitable for everyone. Learning about him will be a guide.

In this article, you’ll be fed with valuable facts, information, and tips on the German Shepherd Greyhound Mix.

Greyhound Shepherd Mix Breed Information

Height25 to 30 inches
Weight50 to 110 pounds
Life Expectancy10 to 13 years
ColorsBlack, brown, brindle, blue, red, fawn
TemperamentFriendly, affectionate
Ideal ForActive Families, Families with grown kids, multiple dog families, Owners with experience

Greyhound Shepherd Mix Traits & Characteristics

HealthHealthy, but with some challenges
TrainabilityTrainable, but not without challenges

Parent Breed

German Shepherd

German Shepherd Dog Breed

As the name implies, the German Shepherd is from Germany and was reared to herd sheep. It is one of the most popular herder dogs today, and most movies portray this breed as the archetypal protector of sheep.

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Unlike some other herder breeds, the German Shepherd is not an ancient breed. It was developed in 1899 by a man named Captain Max Von Stephanitz.

His idea of a breed was a high-quality herder dog, and the German Shepherd was that. Today, the German Shepherd plays many roles and continues to do so.

The breed has worked in the police and military. These dogs have also helped the disabled, partook in search and rescue missions, and have done some acting.

Personality-wise, German Shepherds are more introverted and aloof. However, what they lack in friendliness, they make up in loyalty.

They ensure they meet the needs of their owners and are protective. Their reserved nature doesn’t mean they love being alone though.

The German Shepherd enjoys company, as well as enough activities to challenge it. 

They were the third most registered breed by the American Kennel Club in 2020. 


This Greyhound likes the beach at Haystack Rock in Oregon

There are so many differences between the German Shepherd and the Greyhound, one would wonder why they were crossbred.

The Greyhound is a hound and a hunter used to capture prey like hare, foxes, and deer. This automatically distinguishes it from the herder German Shepherd.

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The Greyhound is also an ancient breed, existing for so long, they were mentioned in the Bible.

It is believed that these dogs originated in the Middle East, and have been a part of different old cultures. These include the Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans.

This hunting dog does share some of the aloofness of the German Shepherd, especially towards strangers.

However, it is known to be friendly with the family, especially the individual who shows more love.

Another similar quality the German Shepherd and Greyhound share is their intelligence—both breeds are smart.

The Greyhound was recognized by the AKC in 1885.

5 Facts About The German Shepherd Greyhound Mix You Should Know

German Shepherd and Greyhound Mix dog running

1. The Greyhound Shepherd is a versatile mixed breed

The German Shepherd Greyhound Mix got all the different talents and skills of the German Shepherd, as well as the strength and speed of the Greyhound.

This makes the mix capable of doing a lot of things, from hunting to active service at law enforcement. 

Crossbreeding also enables these hybrid dogs to be better household pets than their parents.

The friendliness of the Greyhound douses the reserved nature of the German Shepherd.

2. Not all Greyhound Shepherd dogs act the same

It is hard to determine exactly what traits a Greyhound Shepherd will get from the parent breeds.

For example, some may be gentle and reserved without being overly friendly. Some others will be willful and friendly. 

The physical traits may differ as well. Do not expect two Greyhound Shepherds to look the same, especially as their parents have different physical features. 

3. They have other names

While people mainly refer to them as the Greyhound Shepherd Mix, these dogs go by some other names.

You may stumble upon some of these other names on the internet or with a fellow dog lover. Knowing them will leave you less confused. 

The additional names used to designate the Greyhound Shepherd Mix are: German Greyhound, Greyhound Shep, Shep-a-Grey, Shephound, and also Best Friend (because, why not?)

4. This mix is both old and young 

Confused? No need to be. The Greyhound Shepherd hybrid is recent, but its parents have two different histories.

As we’ve seen, the German Shepherd came to be some centuries back and has been increasing since then.

On the other hand, the Greyhound is as old as ancient civilizations, before turning into the race dog we know today. From the old and new comes the Greyhound Shepherd Mix.

5. They are not recognized by the AKC

While both parent breeds are recognized by the American Kennel Club and are popular, the mix isn’t registered as a breed of its right. 

This is because the Greyhound Shepherd is a designer breed, not purebred.

Temperament, Behavior & Intelligence

We’ve established that the personality of this hybrid is not the same for all dogs.

The variations depend on what the individual Greyhound Shepherd gets from its parents.

What makes things more complex is that some Greyhound Shepherds are not developed from purebred parents. 

Nonetheless, there are some traits we can expect from them. These are present and influential in either or both parents, so the probability of them appearing in the Mix is high. 

One such trait is loyalty. Both German Shepherds and Greyhounds are loyal to their owners, so it naturally passes on to the Greyhound Shepherd. The latter stays faithful and devoted to their loved ones. 

This designer breed may be aloof towards strangers, so you should socialize yours to curb this trait. That said, they tend to be playful and fun with the family. 

They need an active family to meet their needs, but they are capable of lying around when their exercise need have been met. 

Are Greyhound Shepherds Good Family Dogs?

Though both parents were not bred to be companions, they have been successful in transitioning from workers to family pets. It is the same for the mixed breed.

Greyhound Shepherds are affectionate with adults and playful around kids, though they shouldn’t be left with small children to avoid injuries.

Once you’re able to meet their needs, these dogs can make exceptional family dogs.  

Are They Good With Other Dogs & Pets?

The German Shepherd is free with other dogs and may not be a threat to cats and other pets, as they are herder dogs used to working with animals.

On the other hand, Greyhounds tend to avoid big dogs and may consider rodents as prey. 

Thus, you should be observant if you leave a Greyhound Shepherd with smaller pets. You may never know if the hunting instinct will kick in. 

How Much do German Shepherd Greyhound Mix Puppy Cost?

Let’s be clear, the German Shepherd Greyhound Mix isn’t cheap. An offspring of two popular breeds would be in high demand, so you shouldn’t expect otherwise. 

There are two options available to you, both with their benefits and downsides. You can go through the adoption method at shelters or buy from a breeder.

The average price from a breeder falls between $1,000 to $4,000. Ensure you get a reputable breeder who has the necessary documents, not a backyard breeder with no approval or information on the pup.

Adopting a Greyhound Shepherd is less costly, going less than $1,000. It is also a valuable service to pick up an abandoned pooch from the shelters and give it a home.

You may not find this designer breed as much as the parents, but some are in shelters. 

The tough part about adopted dogs is handling the trauma they may have faced. Many owners love the idea of a hybrid but lack the information and experience to take care of one.

Frustration sets in, and these owners employ harsh treatments. This leaves the dog with scars within and without.

If you choose the adoption part, make provisions for dealing with trauma. 

Caring for a German Shepherd and Greyhound Mix

Greyhound Shepherd Cross Dog on the Field

Food & Nutrition

The Greyhound Shepherd Mix is like many other dog breeds when it comes to feeding, and that means you should feed these dogs high-quality meals.

Scraps and poor meals are not advisable, regardless of the financial advantages. Your pet’s digestive system might suffer as a result.  

Ensure the meal has a high amount of protein, especially animal protein. It should also have enough calories to give the energy this designer breed needs. 

Also, avoid feeding Greyhound Shepherds any meal that contains a high level of fat, especially the unsaturated kind. They shouldn’t be overfed as well.

This is a general rule for all dog breeds, but even more so for this breed. Greyhound Shepherds are prone to joint problems if they get obese. 

To establish a feeding schedule, consult a veterinarian. This designer breed has no general guideline for a feeding plan as each canine has its needs, so an expert is better placed to guide you.  

There are some tips for the Greyhound Shepherd, though. Its diet should consist of glucosamine and chondroitin for joint pain relief.

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Alaskan Salmon oil is a recommended supplement for this hybrid. The former supplies Omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient that takes care of the skin and the coat.


Greyhound Shepherds have no specific exercise need, so it isn’t easy to know exactly how much exercise they need. The best way to get an appropriate answer is with the parent breeds.

The German Shepherd has a high exercise need and will get bored if not exercised enough. This herder breed will need at least one hour of exercise, maybe even more. 

On the contrary, Greyhounds have a moderate exercise need and shouldn’t be exercised as much as the German Shepherd. 30 minutes of exercise is enough for this breed. 

Where should the mixed offspring fall? Generally, somewhere in the middle. It may depend on your particular Greyhound Shepherd, however.

Some may lean towards the German Shepherd’s high energy, others may be on the second parent’s level. 

Training & Socialization

The Greyhound Shepherd Mix combines the intelligence of the German Shepherd with the tough-headed nature of the Greyhound.

Add to this the independent streak of both parent breeds and you can tell it won’t be easy to train a Greyhound Shepherd. It isn’t impossible though, and may not be overly difficult.

Housetraining should begin while your designer breed is still a pup. Not only is this the best time to show you’re in charge, but it is also easier for pups to learn before they grow.

Furthermore, you should make training sessions interesting and challenging. The parent breeds of this mix both tend to get bored if not challenged enough.

A state of boredom isn’t a good place for any dog to be, and you should sidestep that by stimulating their minds and physical bodies. 

Grooming Needs

Often, the Greyhound Shepherd takes the medium coat of the German Shepherd. Both parents don’t shed much, so there’s a good chance the offspring won’t either. 

Like other needs, the grooming requirements of this crossbreed are linked to the parent breed.

The German Shepherd has a medium, double coat. The outer has a rougher texture, covering a softer interior. The outer coat should be brushed occasionally.

The Greyhound’s short coat doesn’t need brushing. Because the Greyhound Shepherd Mix has the coat of the German Shepherd, it may require brushing. 

Other forms of hygiene should be checked out of the grooming list as well. Bathing, brushing, nail trimming, and ear cleaning are necessary.

Health Conditions 

Although not a rule set in stone, German Shepherds have a life span of 7 to 10 years. Greyhounds have a longer life span, falling between 10 to 13 years.

The Mix breed’s life span can either tilt in the direction of one parent or fall in between. 

During that period, the Greyhound Shepherd may be prone to some illnesses. Knowing about them will help you detect what’s wrong and act accordingly.

These conditions include:

Cherry Eye

Cherry eye is a condition with an unknown cause. Some believe it is hereditary, so do well to check the medical records of a pup before getting one.

When a dog suffers from the cherry eye, its third eyelid gets swollen.  


Epilepsy is caused by many different factors, ranging from a tumor to an inherited condition. It may even be linked to another illness.

Whatever the cause, epilepsy leads to seizures. The latter is sometimes mild, sometimes severe. Epilepsy in dogs has no cure but can be managed.

Skin infections

Skin infections are a common ailment among dogs but are, fortunately, a minor condition. Some well-known infections include warts, irritation, fungal infections, strep, and cyst. 

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

UTI is a lot more serious than other skin infections and can aggravate if left untreated or diagnosed late. Your pooch may have this infection if it struggles to urinate or bleeds while doing so. 

Hip and elbow dysplasia

Greyhound Shepherds are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia like many other dogs. Both conditions are inherited, affect the joints, and can lead to arthritis.

Left untreated, hip and elbow dysplasia can cause degenerative joint disease.

Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus (GDV)

Also known as bloat, GDV is more serious than it appears at the onset and can even be fatal if you don’t get the affected dog treated in time. This condition fills up a dog’s intestines with gas and fluids, making the stomach swell. 

Male vs Female Greyhound Shepherd

Like many other dog breeds (including the parent breeds) the male Greyhound Shepherd is often taller and weigh more than his female counterpart.

Dogs of this breed vary in weight and height, so it is hard to determine the exact inches and pounds of the male and the female. They’re both big dogs, however.

Not much is known about any difference in personality, so it is safe to assume there is none.

Another common difference would be the sexual organs and their functions. The female has reproductive quality, but she can’t produce without the male.

Spaying and neutering your pet renders this difference invalid.

Related Questions

How big will a German Shepherd and Greyhound mix get?

German Shepherds and Greyhounds are both large dogs. The former weigh up to 90 pounds while the latter gets to 70.

We can safely say that the German Shepherd and Greyhound mix will always be a large dog.

Do German Shepherd mixes make good pets?

Many German Shepherd mixes play valuable roles in a household. They protect as guardians and show affection as a companion.

Many people love these mixes because they make good pets. However, they are not for everyone. 

Wrap Up

The Greyhound Shepherd is an interesting designer breed, mainly because of the odd parents it has.

The German Shepherd and Greyhound have little in common and are from different periods. Crossing both together was a stretch, but one that was worth it. 

Greyhound Shepherds share the same needs as many other dogs. They may not be everyone’s dogs, so you should ensure you can take care of them before getting one.

When you can, this breed makes a fine household pet. 

Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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