Greyador: Greyhound Lab Mix Breed Info & Guide

The Greyador is a designer breed resulting out of a cross between the Greyhound and the Labrador Retriever.

It is believed that the Greyhound Lab mix breeding began in North America in the late 20th century, leading to the hybrid we have now. 

The purpose of breeders was to develop a family dog with the best of both parents.

An increase in demand for this breed led to more being developed, so this mix is not so rare in the United States.

On the contrary, its popularity keeps going up. This is because of the prestige of the parents, especially the Labrador Retriever.

Enthusiasts of the ever-pleasing Lab and the race track Greyhound find the Greyador to be interesting.

Sadly, a lot of these fans don’t bother learning about this breed. They end up abandoning their pet in shelters.

You can avoid that by filling yourself with the right knowledge. There are many things that you should know, like how the appearance of this breed varies, how intelligent it is, and more.

Greyador Mixed Breed Information

Height21 to 27 inches
Weight50 to 80 pounds
Life Expectancy11 to 13 years
CoatSolid, medium, dense
ColorsBlack, white, brown, tan, fawn, red, silver, blue, brindle, yellow
TemperamentFriendly, gentle, intelligent
Ideal ForFamilies with children
Puppy Price$400–$1,000

Greyador Mixed Breed Characteristics

Health & ConditionsMedium
Grooming NeedsLow
Energy LevelHigh

Parent Breed

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers were developed initially to play two major roles: They retrieved fish for fishermen and were companions for their families.

They originated in Canada before making an entry to Great Britain.

The breed was once known as St John’s dog. St John is the capital city of Newfoundland, the island Labs were developed in.

Labs’ rise to popularity is a doggy rag-to-riches story. In the 1800s they almost got extinct. Their survival was credited to fans like the Malmesbury family. 

After the Second World War, their popularity increased. The Labrador Retriever is currently the most popular dog registered in the American Kennel Club (AKC).

This recognition by the AKC happened in 1917.


Compared to the Greyhound, Labrador is still a baby. The Greyhound breed is ancient, tracing back to biblical times.

They originated in the Middle East and North Africa. Right from its early days, the Greyhound has been popular.

Various cultures have captured its significance, and it even got mentioned in the Bible. 

In the dark ages, Greyhounds got into England where they served as hunters of fast games like foxes and hares.

Their owners also got them into racing, which contributed to their fame. Today, this breed is a symbol of racing.

They were recognized by the AKC in 1885. 

Related: Fastest Dogs in the World

5 Facts About Greyhound Lab Mix You Should Know

A Greyhound and Lab Mix Seating Looking at the Camera

1. They shed a lot

The first thing you should know about the Greyhound Lab Mix is its high level of shedding.

At best, this could just mean struggles with dog fur and lots of vacuuming. At worst, it can trigger an allergic reaction.

Before you get one of these hybrids, make sure no one around you is allergic to dogs. If you do have such, this breed may not be a good idea. 

2. Their parent breeds are achievers

This hybrid is like that kid at school with the super-rich and popular parents. The Labrador Retriever and Greyhound are both famous for their rights.

Labs quickly became the go-to dog for new pet parents and are even recognized by people who don’t own a dog.

They’ve been pets for some famous people including Meghan Markle and Reese Witherspoon. 

Greyhounds may not be as famous as Labs, but they have influenced great cultures like the Egyptians, Greek, and Roman.

It is also believed that they contributed to the development of many other modern breeds. 

3. They are susceptible to some inherited conditions

As with many other hybrids, the Greyhound Lab Mix is vulnerable to conditions it may inherit from both the Greyhound and the Labrador.

While it has a relatively long life span, that can be cut short by illnesses.

To avoid any future veterinarian expenses, take precautionary measures when getting this mix.

Ensure that your pet and its parents have clean medical records. Also, regular checkup is essential.

4. They are friendlier than many other hunting dogs

Hunting dogs turned companions are not always known to be friendly, especially towards strangers.

This designer breed, however, scores high in friendliness. It flows with children, adults, and strangers.

They would make poor watchdogs and guard dogs because of their friendliness. 

5. They are active dogs

Both Labs and Greyhounds are active breeds, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that their offspring will be too.

While the Greyhound Lab Mix is gentle, it is also energetic. This makes them a better fit for active people.


Physical Appearance 

The Greyador has no uniform look, so don’t expect two Greyador dogs to look the same.

While many pet parents will prefer one with a combination of Labrador and Greyhounds, the cross sometimes takes on the physical appearance of either parent.

Thus, you may end up with a mix that looks like a Labrador, or one that resembles a Greyhound more. Ensure that you love the appearance of your pup as it comes. 

Coat Type and Colors

The Greyador’s coat also depends largely on the parent breeds. Usually, the coat is of medium length and dense.

It may sometimes be short if your pet tilts towards the Greyhound’s genes. 

Sometimes the Greyador may appear with a single color. Other times, it combines the different colors of the parents.

The colors you’ll find on a Greyador’s coat include black, brown, tan, yellow, and silver. 

As a pet parent, the color you pick depends largely on your preference.

A Black Lab Greyhound mix Lying on the Grass

Some owners prefer a black Lab Greyhound mix, while others would rather have a brown/chocolate Lab Greyhound mix.

These tend to be the popular color choices, but yours may be a yellow Lab Greyhound mix or a blend of colors.

Temperament, Behavior & Intelligence

Friendliness and gentleness are hallmarks of this breed and are generally found in them.

It is not easy to pinpoint common behaviors as some may act more like Labs and others like Greyhounds. However, all Greyhound and Lab mixes are friendly and gentle.

As earlier mentioned, Greyadors don’t make good watchdogs because they are super friendly even to strangers.

They love kids as well and are protective of them. The breed will not purposely harm a child, even unruly ones.

Greyhound and Lab mixes are also known to be sensitive and tune to their owners’ moods. They’re happy when you are and will remain calm if they detect sullen vibes from you.

It is not all cozy and comfortable with this breed though. Greyadors are as good in the work field as they are at home.

They have the strength, athleticism, and speed of both parents. This makes them good workers. It also means they need exercise.

You should also expect some stubbornness from this breed. This can be overcome through firm and consistent training. 

Are Greyadors Good Family Dogs?

Having the friendly nature and gentleness of both Labs and Greyhounds make this designer breed a better family pet than its parents.

This explains the rising popularity of the Greyhound and Lab mixed dogs.

These dogs love being close to their owners and partaking in family activities. You could also find them playing with kids or watching over your toddler as the latter sleep. 

Are They Good With Other Dogs & Pets?

Greyhound Lab mixes can co-operate with other dogs, especially when well socialized.

These dogs tend to be neither aggressive nor territorial, making them good for a multiple dog house. 

They may have some problems with other pets because of their high prey drive, so you should be careful leaving them with cats and rodents.

How Much Does Greyhound Lab Mix Puppies Cost?

Compared to other Lab mixes, the Greyhound Lab Mix is not as popular. Thus, it may take you some time to find one. You’ll need patience and time to locate these hybrids. 

A Greyador puppy price falls between $400 to $1,000.

It is less expensive than a purebred Labrador Retriever and may also cost less than a Greyhound, but you’ll need good budgeting to get one.

You should also find a reputable breeder who can show you every record you need to know.

If you decide to take the adoption route, some rescue shelters have this hybrid.

It is cheaper to adopt, but you must also look into the breed’s medical records to avoid one with preexisting conditions.

Also, find out why the dog ended up in the shelter. Many of them were abused and live with the trauma you will have to deal with.

Related: German Shepherd Greyhound Mix Breed Info & Guide

Caring for a Greyhound and Lab Mix

A Yellow Lab Greyhound Mix Looking into the Camera

Food & Nutrition

To feed a Greyador, you’ll need a diet rich in the right nutrients.

The feeding requirements of this breed are similar to that of other dog breeds, especially canines close to 100 pounds.

Like their parents, Greyadors are prone to obesity and some other digestive issues like bloating (as we’ll soon see).

Their meal should be served in the right proportion, and you should observe their weight to be aware of any weight gain. 

Another way to avoid weight gain is by not feeding your Greyador any meal filled with fat and carbs. A little amount will suffice, but too much fat will put your pet’s health at risk.

What this mixed breed does need is a good amount of protein. Protein is the most valuable nutrient for pooches, especially the animal kind.

Chicken and some other meats are excellent sources of protein for these dogs.

Your pet will also benefit from Omega-3 fatty acids which help the skin and coat.

Other general dietary guidelines also apply. Puppies should be restricted to puppy food, seniors need even fewer carbs and human food should be kept at a minimum. 


To determine the exercise level of this mix, you should understand those of the parent breeds.

Greyadors may either tilt towards one parent’s exercise needs or may fall somewhere in between.

Generally, Greyhounds don’t have a high energy level, so intensive activities are not necessary.

That said, they can’t do without regular exercise as that would make them bored. A daily walk is usually enough to satisfy their needs. 

The Labrador has a slightly higher exercise need, but it shouldn’t be intense either.

Labs generally overwork themselves, and it is up to the owner to time them. A walk of 30 minutes with some other activities is enough for this breed.

From the parents, we can ascertain that the Greyhound and Lab mix would need a medium level of exercise.

Though their energy level is considered high, their need for exercise isn’t. Work on both body and mind and you’ll have a balanced pet. 

Training & Socialization

Though Greyadors benefit from the good-natured traits of both the Lab and the Greyhound, you should train them to have a well-mannered dog. 

Labrador Retrievers are easy to train and are even recommended for first-timers. They take to training and are good at obeying instructions, which is to the advantage of the owner.

Greyhounds, however, are both independent and stubborn. Training a Greyhound isn’t for the inexperienced, and they can frustrate a new pet parent.

Thus, you should expect some stubbornness from the Greyador mix. It is normal and can be overcome.

Resist the urge to yell, be harsh, or hit them. Remember that Greyadors are sensitive too. Harsh treatment will not work well.

What works for this designer breed is the same tool that endears a Greyhound to its owners: treats. Dogs generally love treats, and it can help motivate your pet.

Other forms of positive reinforcements go a long way too. A pat, praises, and motivational words like ‘go boy’ helps your pet co-operate. 

Grooming Needs

As earlier mentioned, Greyadors are high shedders. They shed more than the moderate level, and you should be unconcerned about dog fur in your environment before getting one of this breed.

If dog fur will bother you, this hybrid dog may not be good for you.

Their high shedding level means they need daily brushing. While brushing, get rid of the dead hair.

A slicker brush is the best tool for a Greyador. Get a vacuum cleaner as well to keep your environment clean.

Bathe them when needed—that is when it gets dirty. Unlike humans, this mixed breed doesn’t need a regular bath and may not appreciate it.

When you do, use a mild shampoo to wash them. 

You should also take care of their nails as long nails will put your pet at risk of injury.

Their teeth should be brushed regularly with an approved toothpaste and a good toothbrush.

Clean their ears before they get too dirty, and remove the gunk from your pet’s eyes. 

Finally, know that a Greyador can’t withstand harsh weather of any kind due to the coat.

During winter, get your dog a warm coat, and don’t keep them out for too long in the heat.

Health & Conditions 

Another indispensable need of a Greyador is good health.

Besides regular checkups, pet parents should know what illnesses this breed is prone to and their symptoms.

This would help you prevent the inherited ones from the start, and detect any other condition that may occur during the dog’s life. 

Some of the conditions that affect them include:


This is a serious condition that should be treated as an emergency if it happens. A dog gets bloated when its stomach fills with gas, fluid, or food.

It makes the stomach swell and puts a dog in pain. Left untreated, it can be fatal. 

Hip and elbow dysplasia

These are both inherited, joint-related abnormalities. While hip dysplasia affects the hips, elbow dysplasia weakens the elbow.

Both of them can cause lameness and other mobility problems like arthritis. Symptoms include abnormal movements and a reluctance to move. 

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy occurs when a dog’s retina slowly degenerates to the point where your canine loses sight.

Blindness is the direct result of PRA, and it happens over time. Unfortunately, PRA has no cure. 


As earlier mentioned, this mix is prone to obesity. This occurs when your dog develops the habit of overeating and is not getting sufficient exercise.

The affected dog starts adding weight and may find it difficult to move. Obesity puts a dog at risk.

Related Questions

How big will a Lab Greyhound mix get?

While there isn’t a definite size for an adult Lab Greyhound mix, we can get an average from the sum of others.

A full-grown Lab Greyhound mix can get as big as 50 to 80 pounds with a height of 20 to 27 inches.

How long do Greyhound Lab mix live?

Greyhound Lab Mix has a relatively long life span, especially when their health was well maintained. Their life span falls between 11 to 13 years.

Is a Lab hound mix a good family dog?

Lab hound mixes are affectionate, gentle, and friendly. Most of these dogs get the best combination of traits from their parent breeds, making them lovable.

They are also good with children, a factor that makes them even more of a family dog. 

Wrap Up

As one cliche goes, the Greyhound and Lab mix apple doesn’t fall far from the parent trees.

Taking up valuable traits from two high-class breeds, the Greyador is a special hybrid with many family-friendly qualities. 

As with any other dog breed, handling this hybrid mix takes a lot of commitment from you.

Do not take the route if you’re not ready to put in the required work. 

Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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