Can Dogs Eat Fruit Snacks? (Welch’s, Gummy, Motts)

Recently, my neighbors left their kids in my care for the day.

Being that they were kids, I offered everything, including a jar of fruit snacks to keep them comfy and enjoy their short stay in the home of a writer filled with notes and pads.

Little did I know, my dog shared this fruity delight with the kids.

That certainly had me worried when I found out. Hence, the question: can dogs eat fruit snacks? Are fruit snacks bad for dogs?

Taking a cue from my personal experience, this article examines the answers to these questions and more.

What are Fruit Snacks?

Fruit snacks are sugar confectioneries that are similar to gummy candies and typically serve as an after-school treat to school kids.

They are usually made in three colors: orange, red, and purple.

Its primary content is sugar or refined sugar but also includes corn syrup, apple puree concentrate, flavorings, and fructose.

Can Dogs Eat Fruit Snacks?

While fruit snacks are not exactly toxic to dogs, that doesn’t mean they’re good for them either.

They contain a high amount of sugar, fruit concentrates, and artificial flavors that can cause diseases such as diabetes, pancreatitis, obesity, and periodontal illness, making them unsuitable for dogs.

Let’s examine the common ingredients often used in making fruit snacks to determine if they are good for dogs.

  • Fruit Puree: Fresh fruit purees are not harmful to dogs. However, puree present in fruit snacks are mostly from concentrated fruits that lack the dietary fiber present in fresh fruit. Hence non-beneficial to dogs.
  • Fruit Concentrates: These are not good for dogs. The juice is a result from the sheer extraction of water from fruits. It is raw sugar in liquid fruit form.
  • Corn Syrup: Corn syrup is an artificial sweetener that is made from glucose and fructose. Though they are not toxic to dogs, consuming large quantities of this will cause health complications.
  • Modified Corn Starch: This does not have any adverse effect on dogs, but they also do not offer any nutritional benefit to dogs.
  • Sugar: This is the major ingredient used in making fruit snacks, and sugar is simply not healthy for canines.
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Aside from fruit snacks containing an unhealthy amount of sugar, they’re also high in calories, and dogs don’t do well with frequent consumption of a high-calorie diet.

Below is a breakdown of the nutrient components present in 25 grams of fruit snacks.

Nutritional InfoAmount
Vitamin C57%

Evidently, fruit snacks are not of any nutritional benefit to dogs.

Furthermore, the ingredients they are made up of are unhealthy to a dog’s system. 

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Are Fruit Snacks Bad For Dogs?

Having established that sugar is present in fruit snacks, feeding it to your pet dog would be risking diabetes and obesity.

The artificial sweeteners in fruit snacks are fatal to a dog’s system when ingested.

Several varieties of fruit snacks contain high acid content, resulting in tooth erosion and other dental problems.

Diarrhea and stomach ache are also part of the effect of a dog’s regular consumption of fruit snacks.

The artificial coloring in fruit snacks contains carcinogens that cause cancers in dogs and animals in general.

Preservatives in fruit snacks can result in vomiting.

Also, there’s the risk your dog may be allergic to fruit snacks and suffer from hives and even anaphylactic shock if such dog isn’t given proper medical attention immediately.

So, Can Dogs Have Fruit Snacks?

With all that has been stated, can I feed my dog fruit snacks? Yes, dogs can have fruit snacks in little quantity.

However, I would greatly advise against it.

Even though little consumption of fruit snacks does not likely have any ill effects on dogs, they do not make a good treat.

How about other variations of fruit snacks? Are they also unsafe for dogs to eat? Find out.

Can Dogs Eat Gummy Fruit Snacks?

Gummy fruit snacks are nothing less but gummy candies. Thus, you should not feed them to dogs.

They contain plenty of sugar and high calories. They have no nutrient benefits to offer your canine.

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Can Dogs Eat Welch’s Fruit Snacks?

Despite the fact Welch’s fruit snacks contain vitamin A and C, you should not feed them to dogs.

High sugar content and calories, not to mention, come from ascorbic acid and tocopheryl acetate, making Welch’s fruit snack a bad treat for dogs.

It would be better for your furry friend to get their vitamin nourishment from other healthy dog foods.

Can Dogs Eat Motts Fruit Snacks?

If you feed your dog 0.8 oz of motts fruit juice, you’re feeding your dog 10 grams of sugar, 30 mg sodium, and 19g of carbs.

This is by far too much sugar, carb, and sodium content for your dog.

Furthermore, citric acid is present in this variation of fruit snacks, making it an unhealthy edible for your pup.

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My Dog Ate a Fruit Snack, What Can I Do?

Naughty Dog Sitting on Kitchen Floor Looking Up

If your dog ingests little bits of fruit snacks, you need not worry.

Whatever ill effect it may have on your dog will surely resolve on its own.

However, if your dog has had too many fruit snacks, contact your vet immediately.

Fruit Snacks Alternative For Dogs

Although fruit snacks are not bad for dogs in small amounts, it still would be best to avoid feeding your dog this sugary delicacy.

Below are other healthy alternatives to feed your pet dog as an alternative to fruit snacks.

  • Apples: Apples are a great source of vitamin A and C for dogs. They contain fiber that aids smooth digestion in dogs and tastes excellently sweet.

    They do not have high sugar content. However, before feeding to your dog, ensure you remove the seeds within.
  • Blueberries: This fruit contains phytochemicals and fiber, all of which are beneficial to a dog’s overall health.

    More importantly, blueberries are rich in antioxidants, and thus, would help protect cell damage from free radicals in dogs.
  • Carrots: Carrots are high in vitamins and fiber. They are also great for dogs’ dental health. They are more nutrients beneficial to your mutt than fruit snacks.
  • Pineapples: Pineapples also help improve dental health in dogs. They contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

    Above all, they are filled wit bromelain, an enzyme that helps dogs easily absorb protein.

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Related Questions

Can dogs eat fruit candy?

Absolutely no! It would be best not to feed your dog processed candy treats. They are often not healthy for dogs as they mostly contain potentially harmful ingredients to dogs.

Are dried fruits safe for dogs?

Dried fruits are not good for dogs. They contain chemical compounds that are potentially toxic to dogs, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, and in severe cases, dried-fruit poisoning and kidney failure.

Can dogs eat apple skin?

All variants of apples and their skin are safe for dogs to eat. Take note not to feed the core and seed to dogs as they are choking hazards to dogs.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it is clear that fruit snacks are not the best treats to feed dogs.

They contain ingredients that are of little nutritional benefit and potentially harmful to a dog’s health.

A little bit of it will not likely harm your dog, but as a responsible dog parent, it is wise to stay clear and consider other healthy alternatives.

Hopefully, this article has helped answer the question, “can dogs eat fruit snacks?” 

I wish you many wondrous moments with your furry friend.

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Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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