Can Dogs Eat Artichokes? What You Should Know

With artichokes, you can either love them or hate them. Many hate it while others love it.

However, it is quite different with animals, dogs, in particular. They explore the world through their sense of smell, even more than sight.

Hence, it is very likely your dog would snatch one as they do have a sweet-savory scent.

Knowing this gives rise to the question: can dogs eat artichokes? Are artichokes good for dogs?

Read on to find all you need to know before feeding this plant to dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Artichokes?

Artichokes are vegetables, but they are classified under the sunflower family.

Their origin of discovery can be traced back to the Mediterranean region, as it was quite a popular edible among Roman nobles.

In time, artichoke crossed the boundary, and it became a widespread food.

Since artichokes are safe for human consumption, can dogs also have them?

Surprisingly, these high-fiber vegetables are safe for dogs to eat. Nonetheless, Artichokes have to be prepared in the right way for dogs consumption.

Also, it is vital to feed them to your dog in moderation.

This way, your dog will benefit from the nutritional value it has to offer.

Are Artichokes Good For Dogs?

We’ve established that dogs can eat artichokes, but are artichokes plants safe for dogs? What benefits do they offer pups?

No doubt, artichokes are good for canines. They are low-calorie and fat vegetables and rich in various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.

All of these are necessary for the general well-being of a dog.

Fresh Green Artichokes on Cutting Board

Below is a breakdown of the nutrient value of 120g of artichokes

Nutritional InfoAmount
Total Fat0.4g
Dietary Fiber6.8g
Vitamin A0.3%
Vitamin C15%

Vitamins and folate in artichokes aid red blood cell production, blood clotting, and DNA synthesis.

The fiber in artichoke helps dogs with easy digestion and free bowel movement resulting in healthy defecation.

Minerals in artichokes such as potassium helps maintain healthy nerves and muscles in dogs, stabilize neural functions, regulate dogs’ blood sugar levels, and promote an efficient immune system.

More importantly, artichokes contain high amounts of antioxidants.

Antioxidants, also known as “free radical scavengers,” are vital in the general health.

They are responsible for destroying free radicals that are potential threats to a dog’s system.

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Are Artichokes Bad for Dogs?

Although artichoke is good for dogs, it still has its risks, even though not significant or severe.

The major risk dogs are likely to suffer from eating artichokes is bowel obstruction or gastrointestinal blockage.

A gastrointestinal blockage is a condition where a digested substance is prevented from passing through the bowels due to partial or complete obstruction of other undigested material in the digestive tract.

This often occurs due to your dog consuming large chumps of artichokes.

It is, for this reason, it is imperative to prepare artichokes properly before feeding your dog.

Some of the symptoms of gastrointestinal blockage in dogs include:

  • Weakness
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea

If you notice your dog acting strange or any of the symptoms listed above after consuming artichokes, take it immediately to the vets.

Feeding Artichokes to Your Dog

Pet parents need to pay cautious attention to how they prepare artichokes they intend to feed their dogs.

Dogs’ stomachs are sensitive, so they gradually need to be introduced to a new food, including artichokes.

Also, to prevent choking, intestinal blockage, stomach upsets, vomiting, and even diarrhea, you should serve this plant in bite sizes and small portions.

This way, your pup can easily eat and digest it.

The way you prepare artichokes also plays a factor in it being safe for your furry friend consumption.

The best option is to serve it raw to your dog but chopped in small bite sizes.

Raw artichokes contain a high level of nutrients than cooked ones.

Nonetheless, cooked ones are still safe to feed to your pet dog.

In cooking artichokes for your dogs, steamed or boiled artichokes without seasonings are the best and safest.

Other cooking styles usually require the addition of seasoning, and other spicy ingredients, which are harmful to a dog’s system.

This doesn’t only apply to artichokes; generally, all food you intend to cook for your dog consumption should be cooked plainly without the addition of seasonings and spicy ingredients or, at best, be brought to a minimum.

Also, canned artichokes should not be fed to dogs; they usually contain seasonings and preservatives, which are potentially harmful to dogs.

Can dogs have artichoke leaves?

Yes, it is safe to feed the body leaves of artichokes to dogs. However, ensure it isn’t large chunks of it but small bits size.

Can dogs eat artichokes thistle?

Artichoke thistle is also known as carbon, and they have a fairly bitter taste. There is not a lot of information about it, so it isn’t clear if they’re safe for dogs to eat.

In this case, it would be wise to keep them off.

Can Dogs Eat Jerusalem Artichokes?

Jerusalem Artichokes with a Sunflower in a Bowl

Jerusalem artichokes, also known as sunchokes, are a species of sunflower. It is safe for dogs to eat and good for digestion.

Can Dogs Eat Artichoke Hearts?

Yes, you can feed your dog artichoke hearts as long you prepare them in a healthy way for your dog’s consumption.

They are rich in antioxidants that help fight against diseases in a dog’s body. However, you should feed it to your dog moderately.

Can Eogs Eat Fried Artichokes?

Fried artichokes in minimal quantity wouldn’t hurt your dog. However, it is not a healthy option.

Fried foods, in general, are not suitable for dogs as they contain fats and oil that may cause indigestion and weight problems. It is best to keep them off.

Can Dogs Eat Spinach and Artichoke Dip?

Too much dairy products are not good for dogs, and artichoke dip often contains a lot of cream cheese.

It could cause stomach upsets as digs are likely sensitive to it.

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Can dogs eat marinated artichokes?

Dogs can eat marinated artichokes, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it is good for them.

They often contain salts and other spicy ingredients that are toxic to dogs. So it’s not safe for your pup.

Related Questions

Are artichokes poisonous?

Most parts of artichokes are edible, including the stem and leaves. However, the chokes present a choking hazard, and it is not ideal for your dog to eat.

Can dogs eat the entire artichoke?

The artichoke’s heart is a fuzzy hair layer known as the choke and should not be eaten. You should scoop this part out before feeding it to your dog.

Bottom Line: Can Dogs Have Artichokes?

It is clear that dogs can eat artichokes raw or cooked, as they contain nutrients beneficial to your pups.

However, it should be fed in moderation. Be wary of the hairy part and the outer shell as they are not edible.

Although these parts might not be poisonous, they pose a choking hazard.

Also, how you prepare and feed this vegetable to your pup matters.

These factors go a long way in it being safe for your dog to consume.

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Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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