Can Dogs Eat Edamame? (Beans, Pods, Raw, Cooked)

Many people’s description of a dog’s diet involves a variety of meat and packaged dry kibble. However, we can’t write off vegetables and the additional nutrients the latter gives.

Experts recommend that vegetables can be a tasty treat for canines. But can dogs eat edamame?

Edamame is one of these vegetables, and dogs love the taste. It is known to be beneficial to humans and could be a sweet snack for your animal friend. 

However, you must be cautious when dealing with vegetables, fruits, and other human foods. Some foods good for humans are toxic for dogs.

Others are beneficial, but you need guidelines before feeding them to a canine. 

This means you should know more about edamame beans before including them in your dog’s diet. Like many other human foods, Edamame has benefits and some downsides.

The benefits outweigh the risks in this case, but you shouldn’t ignore any side of the coin.

What is Edamame?

A concise explanation for Edamame is given in this statement:

“Edamame beans are whole, immature soybeans sometimes referred to as vegetable-type soybeans. They are green and differ in color from regular soybeans, which are typically light brown, tan, or beige.”

Typical edamame comes in pods. These pods should neither be eaten by dogs nor humans as they are not consumable.

Edamame beans also come in shells and are usually frozen in the United States.

Edamame started as normal soybeans and was cultivated about 7000 years ago. A Japanese monk was credited for the term ‘edamame’ in the year 1275.

They remained common in the Eastern world for a long time. 

In 1855, the edamame was recognized in the United States, thus marking its western debut.

They were first known as ‘The soybean’, but that changed in 1951 when edamame got into the English language.

A 100 gram cooked edamame contains the following nutrients:

Nutritional InfoAmount
Vitamin C10%
Vitamin B65%
Edamame Beans with the Pods Open

Edamame is very nutritious for humans, but what about canines? Can dogs have edamame?

We’ll explore the possibilities of dogs eating edamame after looking into the advantages and disadvantages of these beans to your pet.

Can Dogs Have Edamame?

Edamame contains the most important nutrient a dog needs: Protein. While animal meat is the best source of protein, vegetables can supply this invaluable nutrient as well.

Edamame is one such vegetable, and your dog’s system will appreciate the extra protein.

They also contain Omega-3 fatty acids, which do a good job on a dog’s coat and skin. It doesn’t stop at skin polishing, though. Omega-3 helps an injured dog heal and strengthens the joints of senior dogs.

Its ability to curb inflammation equally makes it an important nutrient for dogs.

Furthermore, the fat in edamame is polyunsaturated, a healthy sort of fat for pooches. This fat helps brighten up the skin and fur and is a good source of energy. It is advantageous for active dogs. 

There are some Vitamins in Edamame, the most notable being Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Although dogs can synthesize Vitamin C, the additional won’t hurt.

In the case of deficiency, it is even recommended. Vitamin C is an antioxidant to dogs. It fights off destructive cells and forestalls inflammation.

Vitamin B6 generates glucose, assists the red blood cells and nervous system, regulates the hormones, amidst others. 

Some other beneficial nutrients edamame has are calcium and fiber. Calcium does a lot of restorative work on a dog’s bones while fiber aids the digestive system.

Finally, edamame is delicious!

Is Edamame Safe for Dogs?

In a way, edamame is not considered harmful, poisonous, or toxic to dogs. It is classified as a healthy vegetable and recommended as such.

That said, there are many factors to consider. When ignored, your dog may suffer the repercussions. 

The first factor is soy. Edamame is a form of soybeans. Soy is one of the most common allergy triggers to dogs, with many passing through hard times because of this.

Some of the side effects include baldness, constant itching, vomiting, diarrhea, and a rather stubborn ear infection. 

Soy may equally be a concern for your dog’s health. It has been known to cause thyroid and liver damages.

Also, remember what we said about the pods? They aren’t meant to be eaten, but dogs don’t know that.

Without you being there to stop them, your pet may gobble down an edamame bean with the pod still attached to it.

Granted, it isn’t toxic, but it may be difficult for a dog to swallow. A large dog can get away with it, but little Sheila may choke on the pod.

To be safe, do not leave covered edamame where a dog can reach. 

The fiber in edamame is good, but too much of it may not sit well in a dog’s system. An excess of fiber leads to diarrhea, constipation, and flatulence. Fiber should be consumed in moderation.

Some edamame beans are cooked with salt, spices, and oils. These additional ingredients won’t fare well for your dog, so avoid feeding them edamame with these ingredients.

Plain ol’ edamame is the safest for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Edamame?

Dog Opens Mouth for Edamame Beans Treats

Now for the possibilities. To give a direct answer, a dog can eat edamame and it is good for them. The pros make it worth it, so do not be afraid to offer some edamame beans to your pet pooch.

Related: Can Dogs Eat Brussel Sprouts? The Benefits & Gas!

The downsides shouldn’t be overlooked, though. While not necessarily fatal, edamame beans can put your dog in distress.

No pet parent will want to see a pet in pain. The health risks are concrete enough for you to be wary.

Also, if your dog gets a complete diet as the main meal, edamame is unnecessary.

The nutrients it offers are already covered by a balanced doggy diet, which your dog can eat to his satisfaction. 

If you decide to feed your dog edamame, keep it moderate and occasional. It is not a substitute for a standard meal. 

How Much Edamame Can my Dog Eat?

A general rule of thumb for feeding edamame to dogs is covered in the popular statement ‘slow and steady wins the race.’

It is not a good idea to give your dog a lot of edamame at a go. Your dog won’t say no, but you will both regret it when he starts whining and making a mess. 

There isn’t any specific number of edamame that is appropriate, and a vet is your best option to avoid mistakes. Generally, feeding goes with size, so a bigger dog will eat more than a small one.

It also depends on your dog’s stomach and how many it can carry. This is why you should start slow and be observant.

Do not force your dog to go further if he shows no interest. Ditto for any signs of discomfort.

How to Prepare Edamame for Dogs

There are different ways humans eat edamame beans, and some are safer than others for dogs. Edamame has to be prepared in a way that won’t affect a dog.

The best way to prepare edamame for dogs is plain, raw, and fresh. It keeps the natural nutrients and you won’t have to deal with any harmful additive.

If you opt for steamed edamame, ensure that there are no seasonings, even a little of it.

Seasonings and other forms of flavors make edamame sweeter for humans, but it can be harmful to dogs. For example, salt can cause salt poisoning, a condition that quickly escalates to become an emergency. 

You should avoid fried and baked edamame beans because the oils and spices may affect your dog.

When preparing edamame for dogs, keep it simple. Save your culinary expertise for your kids, spouse, and other humans. 

How to Serve Edamame to Dogs

Dog Waiting for Treat or Food

From all that precedes, you may have an idea of the best way to make edamame suitable for dogs.

Serving follows the same procedures, and it is while serving that you must be observant.

There are four safest ways to serve edamame to dogs, and you can alternate them for a better veggie experience. They are:

  • Raw
  • Frozen
  • Steamed or Cooked
  • Mashed up

You mustn’t serve edamame alone. Sometimes, you can mix it up with their main meal as a supplement.

Do not forget that edamame should not be the main meal, so serve with moderation.

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What will happen if my dog eats edamame?

Edamame is not dangerous to dogs and can be eaten by them. Dogs often enjoy the taste and will eat up any number you offer them.

Your dog will be okay if he eats edamame, but that is if he doesn’t overeat. Otherwise, edamame can lead to stomach issues. Dogs prone to allergies should not eat edamame.

Can edamame hurt my dog?

If you keep in mind all the warnings about edamame and feed it responsibly to your dog, it won’t have any harmful effects.

If you discover your dog ate a lot of edamame, consult your veterinarian, especially if he displays any symptoms. 

Are soybeans toxic to dogs?

Soybeans are sometimes used in dog food and have some benefits to canines.

However, it may pose some problems for allergic dogs, dogs with sensitive stomachs, or a dog that consumes it in excess. You must be careful when feeding soy products to your dog. 

Is edamame soybeans?

Edamame is considered a young soybean, not in a fully mature stage. It was once called soybean until the status changed with the introduction of the term ‘edamame’ in the English language.

Many people differentiate edamame from the usual soybeans. 

Final Thoughts

Edamame is a tasty, healthy vegetable that you can add to your list of treats for your dog.

The chances of it landing your dog in a hospital are low, especially when you are prudent in the preparation and serving.

Take advantage of the benefits of this vegetable for your dog, and watch him get healthier. 

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  • PSDA – Safe fruit and vegetables for dogs
  • Healthline8 Surprising Health Benefits of Edamame

Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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