Are Great Pyrenees Nocturnal? Find Out The Truth!

Calm and affectionate, but still fearless when protecting their owners, the Great Pyrenees are a great addition to any family looking for a loving and loyal pet.

Still, if you plan to get a Great Pyrenees, you should know what you’re getting yourself into.

Even though they are often described as gentle giants, these are extremely large and rather independent dogs, so they may not be the best choice for everyone.

Plus, to live in harmony with your dog, you need the Pyr’s daily routine to fit your lifestyle and living arrangements,

This includes knowing at what time of day they’re the most active and where and when they like to sleep.

Not having your dog’s life synchronized with your own can often lead to sleepless nights and is not good for anyone.

Below, you’ll learn are Great Pyrenees nocturnal and how to deal with their sleeping habits.

So, let’s dive in!


Are Great Pyrenees Nocturnal?

Historically, Great Pyrenees were bred to guard livestock in the mountain areas around the border of Spain and France.

Besides guarding livestock, they were also tasked with protecting the family household and farm crops.

Of course, the better part of their job took place at night, when their owners are asleep.

In addition, the night is a time when most predators are active, lurking around and threatening the sheep and other livestock.

Through centuries of night patrolling, Pyr’s adjusted their natural rhythm to be more alert and active at night.

So, the answer to the question “are Great Pyrenees nocturnal” is yes.

Even though they’re now rarely tasked with guarding livestock, the Great Pyrenees’ nocturnal instincts are still very much alive.

Only now, they see their family as the flock that needs protecting.

For this reason, they’ll often spend the night awake, even when inside the house with their human family.

How Long do Great Pyrenees Sleep?

The Great Pyrenees are generally a very laid-back breed. They’re not very active and like to spend their time sleeping or just lying around.

Due to their history as protectors from predators, they were always inclined to preserve their energy.

This was important when there were alone in the mountains, tending for themselves and the sheep, as it allowed them to be ready to bust with energy if the predator attacks.

Nowadays, they don’t live that life anymore, but the old habits remain.

Adult Great Pyrenees may sleep for 14 hours per day. At a younger age, as puppies, they sleep even more.

Don’t be surprised if your Pyr puppy sleeps for 18 or 20 hours a day.

With puppies, sleep is very important, as it allows their brains to process all the new stuff they see and learn and easily adapt to a new environment.

How do I Get my Great Pyrenees to Sleep at Night?

Owners often have trouble getting their dogs to sleep at night.

This is particularly the case with predominantly nocturnal breeds, such as Great Pyrenees.

Still, there are ways to get them to live on your schedule.

The most important thing is to establish a consistent daily routine. Have the dog take its walks, exercise, and meals always at the same time of day.

Also, your dog should do its business before bedtime. This way, they won’t need the toilet during the night.

Plenty of exercise during the day will tire the dog out and make it more likely to get to sleep when the night falls.

Plus, make sure that their sleeping environment is to their liking. Dogs will much rather go to sleep knowing that there’s a comfy bet waiting for them.

Finally, make sure that your canine is not suffering from a medical condition preventing sleep.

Do Great Pyrenees Need a Bed?

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Great Pyrenees are not too picky when it comes to places to sleep, some may even be comfortable sleeping on the hard floor.

However, this is not the healthiest option, particularly because they’re known as a breed that spends a lot of time sleeping.

Some dogs may completely take over the family couch and make it their own sleeping space.

This is especially the case with dogs raised indoors.

Also, if you have a yard, they’ll be more than happy to spend some time snoozing on the porch or on the grass.

However, it’s still best to provide them with their own sleeping space with a [amazon link=” B0759KRD1V ” title=”dog bed” link_icon=”amazon” /]

Comfort is essential, as they may easily develop pain and soreness in their joints and bones due to their size and weight.

Do Great Pyrenees Like to Sleep Outside?

Like most mountain breeds, Great Pyrenees are very well equipped for outdoor life, even in cold temperatures.

In their history, they spent most of their time outside, roaming around and taking care of their flock.

In addition, due to their size, they may not always feel comfortable indoors, especially if they weren’t raised inside the house.

However, this doesn’t mean that they should spend all their time outside. They can handle cold, but mostly out of the necessity of their life in the mountains.

Nowadays, there’s no reason to leave your dog 24 hours outside, especially during winter.

While they like to play in the snow, it’s good to arrange a place for them inside of the house, where they can rest and sleep after a time spent outside.

Still, if you notice, that your Pyr prefers the outside, you may think about building him a doghouse.


As a nocturnal breed, Great Pyrenees may not suit every owner. A dog who’s awake at night can significantly affect your life.

The barking and constant roaming around the house may keep the whole family at night.

In addition, when a dog is on a different sleep regime from the owner, it leaves less time for hanging out and playing together.

On the other hand, nocturnal nature is the exact reason why some owners want the Great Pyrenees.

Their alertness during the night is a guarantee that your family will be safe and protected while sleeping.

After all, protection is the reason why Pyr’s have developed the nocturnal district in the first place.

Authored By

Madeline Wright

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