Why Schnauzers Are The Worst Dogs (And The Best)

The Schnauzer dog breed comes from Germany, where it was employed as a versatile farm dog, a guard, and a ratter.

It has since left the farms and has been integrated into households as a family dog. 

While it has a growing number of fans, not everyone finds this breed favorable.

There are many pros and cons of owning a Schnauzer, so you should know from the onset that it is not for everyone.

There are many reasons why Schnauzers are the worst dogs, making this breed a setback for any potential pet parent. Likewise, there are also many reasons why Schnauzers are the best dogs.

Do you want to own this breed?

Understanding its strengths and weaknesses will help you know if it’s the right decision and what to expect if you’re already convinced.

7 Reasons Why Schnauzers Are The Worst Dogs

1. Schnauzers can be aggressive

You might not realize it at first glance because the Schnauzer doesn’t look as intimidating as, say, the Pitbull. It is also not as feisty as Terrier breeds.

However, they do have bouts of unpredictable aggression, mainly because of the high energy level. 

A Schnauzer is likely to start a fight with another dog and is a bad choice for a home with many pets.

Because of this breed’s territorial nature and protectiveness, it can also turn that aggression towards people it doesn’t know.

This can be an asset in guard dog duty, but if not properly trained, they can become a dog bite statistic. 

2. They are active and highly energetic

Active Schnauzer Dog Playing and Running on Grass

A major cause of aggressiveness in the Schnauzer is its energy.

As a versatile farm dog, the Schnauzer was bred to be active, and farm owners can still appreciate this trait.

For the regular dog owner, however, this breed can become overwhelming if not well trained.

Not everyone wants an overactive pooch, and that’s what the Schnauzer is. 

The only set of pet parents that can handle the high energy level of this breed is active people that can keep up with the pace.

Left bored, this breed can get destructive. You’re likely to get back to your living room in shreds if you don’t schedule enough time for exercise.

This can be a problem not only for laid-back individuals but for busy people and seniors. 

3. Schnauzers are barkers and highly vocal

Good luck trying to keep this breed quiet in an apartment. These dogs are vocal.

Not only do they bark, but they also whine, growl and cry. They won’t be a neighbor’s favorite, that’s for sure. 

Some people do appreciate the vocal nature of a Schnauzer, particularly those who need a watchdog.

For someone who loves calmness or lives in an apartment, this breed is a no-no. 

4. The Schnauzer’s last name is “Stubborn”

Schnauzers are highly wilful and won’t always be willing to do what you want.

Coupled with the high energy and aggressive tendencies, it makes the breed hard to train.

You’d require a lot of effort, time, and commitment to training one. First-timers should get another breed. This doesn’t mean that this breed can’t be trained, though.

Just like many other dog breeds (with a few exceptions), Schnauzers are trainable. They are just best left for people with enough experience. 

5. They need a lot of grooming

Close Up Schnauzer Dog with Furry and Curly Hair

Fancy having a dog that would look okay after a little brushing? That’s not the Schnauzer.

The breed has a high grooming need, and you may need to hire a professional groomer as amateurish work may not cut it.

If you neglect to groom it, the hair will also get knotted. 

Again, this makes the Schnauzer a poor choice for busy people, especially those who aren’t willing to add grooming costs to their budget.

Those who prefer low-maintenance dogs will find this breed to be a handful.  

6. Schnauzers are not pet friendly

Yeah, a definite deal-breaker, isn’t it? For some of you, it can be.

Unless you have no other pet and aren’t planning on getting any in the future, owning a Schnauzer is a bad decision.

Its territorial nature makes it aggressive towards dogs, and unless you socialize very well it may be hostile towards other canines.

Even with the training, you should supervise any doggy play they have. 

Smaller pets are especially at risk around the Schnauzer. Because of its ratter history, it has a high prey drive, and no rodent will remain safe around it. 

7. They hate many things

Schnauzer Pup Enjoying Car Ride

There are some exceptions, but generally, this breed is not very cooperative. It dislikes training, grooming, and being carried.

Many Schnauzers will turn down a cuddle, yet they velcro dogs and don’t want to be left alone. 

This seeming antagonism towards many things makes this breed quite complicated to train and takes more time and patience.

It gets worse if you adopt a grown-up pooch. At least pups can still be shaped. 

6 Reasons Why Schnauzers Are The Best Dogs

1. They are friendlier than other Terriers

Sure, they get aggressive. Compared to other Terriers, however, this breed is Santa Claus.

Terriers are known to be fearless and fierce; the Schnauzer is a lot calmer than that. Amongst Terriers, they make one of the best family dogs.

With proper training, the chances of this breed getting aggressive is low. 

This does require that you be firm and consistent but not harsh. Take it through a series of obedience training and socialize it well enough.

By meeting new people and animals, going to new places, and experiencing new things, your dog becomes friendlier. 

2. The Schnauzer is hypoallergenic

Groomed Mini Schnauzer Dog Standing on Floor

This is good news for allergy sufferers and another advantage of owning this breed.

The Schnauzer is a hypoallergenic dog and rarely triggers an allergic reaction in those who are prone to it.

Of course, no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, but if you are allergic, the Schnauzer is one of your best choices. 

Their hypoallergenic nature isn’t only advantageous for allergy sufferers, but it also is for those who like a clean environment.

The Schnauzer hardly sheds, so you don’t have to worry about hair flying all over the place.

3. They are good for rodent control

Keeping a house rat-free is a job we often reserve for cats, but dog breeds like the Schnauzer do a good job at it.

Sometimes they do a very good job, which is why they are unsuitable for a house with smaller pets.

But if you have a vermin problem, you can always rely on this breed. 

Some pet parents liken owning a Schnauzer to having a cat. It can easily sniff out a rat, and the hair on its face protects it from any pest. 

4. Their vocal attribute can be a skill

Earlier on, we mentioned that this breed makes a lot of vocal noises, from barking to growling.

This can be problematic for some people, but not for those who want a watchdog and guard dog.

Schnauzers will not hesitate to alert you of any strange person or event. As long as you don’t live in an apartment, this can be useful. 

Furthermore, the Schnauzer loves to “talk” to its owners, and you don’t need to struggle much to understand what it needs.

A whine can signify pain, discomfort, or hunger, for instance. An enthusiastic bark could mean happiness or a need for exercise. The list goes on. 

5. The Schnauzer is more than aggression

While it is true that this breed can get aggressive, especially towards other animals that get into its territory, that isn’t all there is to this breed.

After exercising and playing outdoors, the Schnauzer loves to chill close to its owner. It may not be cuddly, but it will enjoy staying by your side. 

6. They make good family dogs

Miniature Schnauzer Lying on Mat

The Schnauzer may not be for everyone, but we can’t deny that it has good family-friendly qualities.

They are good with kids and tend to protect them, but they have their boundaries.

It is best to have this breed in a home with grown kids that can respect a dog and not try some mischievous pranks like taking away its food.  

Is The Schnauzer Dog Breed Right for You?

Close Up Cute White Schnauzer Puppies

As the cliche goes, there are two sides to the coin of owning a Schnauzer. Hopefully, at this point, you already know which direction you’ll lean to.

Schnauzers are good pets, but in the wrong hands, they can become nuisances. 

Understand your environment and lifestyle to know if this breed fits, rather than trying to force what isn’t.

If you live on a farm or have a large yard and getting a vocal guard dog sounds like a good plan, then you could consider the Schnauzer.

Allergy sufferers and active people will also find this breed an asset. 

On the other hand, new pet parents and apartment dwellers should look for another breed. The same applies to laid-back individuals. 


Is a Schnauzer a good pet?

Schnauzers can be good pets, but not for everyone.

There are so many things to consider when owning this breed, and you should be sure it fits your lifestyle before you take a step towards owning one.

Are Schnauzers calm?

Schnauzers aren’t calm dogs, which makes them poor choices for apartment dwellers and laid-back people.

Not only are they vocal, but they also need a lot of exercises. Though this breed sometimes remains calm, it is not one by nature. 

What are the pros of owning a Schnauzer?

A Schnauzer is good for many sets of pet parents, including active people, experienced owners, allergy sufferers, and those in need of a good security dog.

This breed has a lot of advantages, including being hypoallergenic and alert. 

Are Schnauzers aggressive?

Schnauzers are very territorial and protective. Without good training and socialization, this can get to the extreme and turn to aggression.

You must socialize your Schnauzer puppy properly and ensure that it is well-bred. 

Final Thoughts

For some people, the Schnauzer can be the worst pet to have. For others, this breed is the best.

You deserve the best, and so does your pet, so ensure that you fall in the second category before you bring a Schnauzer puppy home.

Like every breed, it has its pros and cons, but if you do find that you can handle it, then you’ll get a loyal pet for life.

References & Notes:

Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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