Do Rough Collies Shed? (Solved!)

Rough Collies’ long and lustrous coats make every Collie enthusiast ask, ‘Do Rough Collies shed?’

So if you are about or have already adopted this extremely outgoing, protective, adventurous, and obedient dog and you can’t help but worry about its shedding potential, then read on as I got you covered through this article.

I will provide you with a science-backed answer as to whether or not these dogs shed. I will also give you some tips on how you can de-shed this strikingly beautiful dog.

And if you are allergic to dog dander but you are still a dog enthusiast, I also got you covered through some tips on how to live with a dog that you are allergic to.


Do Rough Collies Shed?

Yes, Rough Collies do shed. The amount of shedding on your hound is usually determined by a number of factors:

Its size – The larger your Rough Collie, the more it will shed.

Its fertility potential – Spayed and neutered Rough Collies tend to shed more as they have more hair.

It’s diet – What you feed your dog directly and substantially impacts on its shedding potential.

Your dog requires enough nutrients in the form of proteins, Vitamins (Biotin to be specific), essential fatty acids, and minerals (mostly zinc).

If you feed your dog with a diet that is deficient in the nutrients mentioned above, it may shed more and eventually have alopecia (total hair loss).

Reasons That Cause Shedding In Rough Collies

This loyal, devoted, and workaholic dog breed can shed due to several reasons;

Seasonal Changes

Seasonal changes are one of the main reasons that may cause your Collie to shed.

Most Rough Collies will shed during spring and fall due to a temperature change.

Stress And Anxiety

Your Rough Collie may start to shed due to stress or when it’s experiencing anxiety.

When your dog goes into stress or anxiety-induced shedding, its brain releases a hormone known as epinephrine/adrenaline.

Epinephrine is the flight or fight hormone that helps dogs (and also humans) to deal with stressful conditions.

When epinephrine is released, it causes your dog to shed a lot by; degenerating its hair follicles and also decreasing the number of hair follicles in your Rough Collie’s body.

It’s important that you help your dog reduce or manage its stress or anxiety by; knowing what’s the cause and eliminating the triggers.

For instance, if your dog panics and starts shedding a lot when you are going to the Vet, you can have your Vet come over and perform all the medical procedures needed on your dog.

You can also visit your Vet for fun, but make sure you book an appointment in advance.

While at your Vet’s office, have the receptionist and those around give your dog treats and also pet it (that’s if your Collie allows it). Do this for at least 3 times.

Medical Conditions

Medical conditions such as skin allergies and parasitic infestation.

If your hound has a parasitic infestation (fleas and mites), it’s important that you take it to the Vet as this may not only cause it to shed a lot but may also negatively impact its mental and physical health.

Hormonal Changes

Shedding due to hormonal changes is usually pronounced more in female dogs than in male dogs.

For instance, your female Rough Collie will shed more during its estrus cycle (a period of sexual fertility and high receptivity to males by female dogs).

It will also shed more than usual after whelping when its pups are 1-3 months old.

You can reduce hormonal-induced hair loss in your Collie by providing it or supplementing its diet with foods rich in Vitamin E and A, omega 3-fatty acids.

Remember to give it enough fresh water to keep its skin hydrated and nourished.

How Often Do Rough Collies Shed?

Rough Collies shed at least 2 times in a year. Usually, their shedding peak is during spring and in the fall due to temperature changes.

How Do I De-Shed A Rough Collie?

Knowing how to properly de-shed your dog will help you prevent flare-ups of an allergic reaction (that’s if you are sensitive to dog dander).

Note! Your dog’s hair is NOT an allergen, but its dander (dead skin or cells) is.

Through de-shedding (manually removing your Rough Collie’s loose hair) helps you remove and prevent the accumulation of dander in your dog’s skin.

Below are a number of ways through which you can sufficiently de-shed your Rough Collie;

#Use De-Shedding Dog Safe Tools

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Invest in dog-safe de-shedding tools and correctly use them to control your Rough Collie’s shredding potential.

Consider getting a slicker brush, an Undercoat rake, blade on a handle metal comb, bristle brush, and a de-shedding dog safe blade.

Pro-tip; Ensure that you buy your dog’s de-shedding tool from a reputable and dedicated pet store.

This way, you are assured of both quality and guidance on how to use each tool, just in case you are a newbie or it’s your first time grooming your Collie.

#Bathe Your Rough Collie With A De-Shedding Dog Shampoo

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Use a de-shedding shampoo to de-shed your hound.

Always purchase a de-shedding dog shampoo made in the USA with natural ingredients and that is sulfate, paraben, and soap-free.

Extra tip; Do NOT over bathe your Collie as you risk predisposing it to skin infections and excessive hair loss.

4 times a bath in a year is all your Rough Collie needs to stay smelling fresh and clean.

Consider giving your hound waterless bathes in between by using dog wipes and waterless shampoo.

#Adequately Brush Its Coat

Through brushing, you not only help de-shed your dog but also remove dander on its skin, thus lowering the risk of you getting an allergic reaction.

To shorten the time you will spend brushing your Rough Collie’s hair, consider using a safe coat spray or a leave-in shampoo on your dog skin.

Massage your product of choice in your dog’s coat for around 5 minutes. Wait for another 5 minutes to brush your dog’s hair in a down and out direction.

Start from its head up to its tail. Pay a lot of emphasis on your Collie’s neck, abdomen, and legs. These body parts tend to be underly brushed.

Are Rough Collies Hypoallergenic?

No, Rough Collies are NOT hypoallergenic.

This means this energetic, loyal, extremely friendly, intelligent, and pet and kid-friendly dog breed can elicit an allergic reaction to a dog dander sensitive dog parent.

How Do I Live With A Dog I Am Allergic To?

#Know The Signs And Symptoms Of An Allergic Attack

Knowing the signs and symptoms that indicate you are having an allergic attack due to dog dander will help you strategize how to live with your hound.

You will also be able to stop the attack before it aggravates.

So, if you experience the following symptoms after petting or spending time with your dog, it’s safe to assume that you are sensitive to dog dander.

The signs and symptoms include; Excessive sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, postnasal drip, nasal congestion and itchiness, coughing, and facial pressure or pain.

Extra tip: Please have an allergist run some tests to fully confirm that your allergies are flared up by dog dander and not other underlying conditions.

#Have Your Doctor Give You Allergy Shots

About 85% of allergic patients tend to improve positively when given allergy shots or immunotherapy.

Have your doctor give you allergy shots to prevent allergic attacks.

Pro-tip; Ensure that you never miss getting your shot as you risk having your treatment relapse or the therapy becoming ineffective.

#Create A Strict Grooming Timetable For Your Doggie

Create a strict grooming timetable for your dog and ensure that you follow it strictly.

Pro-tip; if you are very sensitive to dog dander, consider hiring the services of a pro dog groomer and let them do it for you.

It will cost you around $40-$75 to have your dog groomed by a pro.

Note the size and amount of work to be done are also factors that may increase or reduce the cost of your dog’s grooming.

#Have A Pro Install Air Purifiers In Your Home

Air purifiers work to reduce your allergic reaction to allergens by removing the allergens in your indoor space.

So make sure that you have a pro install one for you in your home.

#Do Not Allow Your Hound To Gain Access To Your Bedroom

Never allow your hound to gain access to your bedroom or sleep on your bed.

Allergens tend to fall back on the surfaces at night due to a decrease in temperature.

So having your dog sleep on your bed means that during the night, all the dander that might have risen up due to warm temperature will fall back on your bed and concentrate, thus aggravating your allergies flare-ups.

Also, limit your dog’s movement in the house by placing it in a large enough crate.

Pro-tip; Place the crate in a corner that has proper ventilation. Provide your dog with enough food and water.

Don’t forget to place some dog-safe toys to keep your hound busy while it’s in the cage. Never lock your hound in a crate for more than 6-8 hours.

#Invest In An Allergy Mask

Investing in an allergy mask is of immense importance as it will help you pet your dog or even spend time with it without risking inhaling an allergen. Surgical masks are the best.

Make sure that you properly wear your mask.

Also, ensure that your mask fits that is, it’s not too big and not too large. Safely dispose of your mask after using it. Do NOT recycle.

#Construct An Outside Kennel For Your Rough Collie

Construct an outside kennel for your Rough Collie. Ensure that you clean it regularly. Also, make sure that you insulate it from cold during cold seasons.


Yes, Rough Collies shed at least 2 times in a year. They are also not hypoallergenic.

Rough Collies can shed due to; Seasonal changes, stress, hormonal changes (most pronounced in female dogs), underlying medical conditions, diet, and parasite infestation.

You can invest and use de-shedding dog tools, bathe your Collie with a dog-safe de-shedding shampoo, and also regularly brush its coat to control its shedding potential.

If you are allergic to dog dander, you can still adopt it and live with it. All you need to do to reduce or prevent your allergy flare-ups is;

Have an allergist specialist give you allergy shots, invest in allergy masks, have your dog live in a safe and insulated outside kennel, and have a pro install air purifiers in your home.

You can also create a strict grooming timetable for your dog and adhere to it.

To minimize exposure to dog dander, I recommend you let a professional dog groomer do it for you.

Consider limiting your dog’s movement while it’s in the house by having it stay in a large enough dog crate.

Never allow your dog to gain access to your bedroom or sleep on your bed.

Authored By

Madeline Wright

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