Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Have Webbed Feet? (Solved!)

The Bernese Mountain Dog has many unique features that set it apart from other breeds.

Their thicker coat, larger build, and resistance to cold have made them a popular choice among pet owners. But there is another feature of this breed that you need to consider.

Your dog’s feet can change a lot in terms of care and behavior.

This is why I will be answering the question, do Bernese Mountain Dogs have webbed feet here.

Keep reading to find out exactly what you need to know about this topic related to Bernese Mountain Dogs.


Do Bernese Mountain Dogs Have Webbed Feet?

So, you might be wondering if Bernese Mountain Dogs have unique and webbed feet.

For the most part, this breed will have webbed feet. But there are some cases where Bernese Mountain Dogs don’t have webbed feet.

This is rare, but each dog can differ, even if they come from the same exact breed. So, keep this in mind as you look to buy this pet.

There is no guarantee that your dog will have webbed feet. And it can be difficult to know if your pet does have this trait.

Still, it’s pretty common for the Bernese Mountain Dog to have webbed feet.

And unless they are bred with other types of dogs there is a good chance they will be born with this type of paw.

Why Do Some Bernese Mountain Dogs Not Have Webbed Feet?

As I said before, webbed feet are not found in all Bernese Mountain Dogs. This is because this trait is a type of genetic mutation.

Years of being bred in mountains and snowy areas led to the development of webbed feet in this dog.

Since most Bernese Mountain Dogs inherit this trait, your dog is likely to have webbed feet.

But, some species of Bernese Mountain dogs are less likely to have this paw type. So, they won’t pass this trait on to their puppies.

3 Benefits of Webbed Feet on Bernese Mountain Dog

You might not think that webbed feet is all that important. However, there are many advantages that come along with webbed feet.

I’ll talk about why this trait can be great for dogs here. Bernese Mountain Dogs without these types of paws are still great.

But your dog can be even more athletic and active with webbed paws.

1. Webbed Feet Make It Easier to Swim

This is one of the biggest advantages of webbed feet. With webbed feet, it is way easier for your dog to swim in the water.

Not only will your pet learn how to swim faster, but they will move in water faster and more smoothly.

This is because webbed paws act like swimming fins. The webbed paw can glide through the water and let your dog swim even faster!

2. Helps Your Dog Walk and Run Better

These same benefits can also be found on land. Not only can your dog move faster in water, but they can also move faster when they walk and run on land.

This is because your dog is given way more stability and balance with webbed paws. Specifically, the webbed paw creates more surface area and creates better balance.

Also since the paw is kept together and connected by the webbing.

Which makes movement more seamlessly and allows your dog will land better when they move.

This makes their gait more even and less rough on their joints. Which in the long term will help them move and run better.

3. Can Help Them Move Better Over Rough Terrain

Another benefit of this paw type is navigation through rough areas of land.

While most pets won’t have to traverse through the mountains, dogs with webbed feet will have this advantage over non-webbed pets.

Especially if you like to hike or go on nature walks, your Bernese Mountain Dog will benefit from having webbed feet.

When their paws are structured this way, they can run and flexibly move over any type of area with ease.

How to Take Care of Webbed Feet on Bernese Mountain Dog?

Do webbed feet need to be taken care of any differently than unwebbed feet?

Some pet owners might wonder if they need to take extra care of their Bernese Mountain Dog’s paws. Again, most dogs have some type of webbing in their paws.

So, the care of your pet won’t be much different depending on the paw type.

Still, there are some care requirements that need to be kept in mind. Your dog’s paws are important to their overall health after all.

1. Cut Your Dogs Nails

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The first thing you need to do is keep your Bernese Mountain Dog’s paws trim and tidy.

The length of their nails will affect paw health. So trim them regularly and don’t let them get too long.

2. Keep Their Paw Hair Healthy

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Most people don’t do this, but the fur near your dog’s paw should be kept in top shape.

You can trim and brush this hair and the hair that is near their paws.

This way it doesn’t get matted and knotted up. Doing this will make your dog a lot happier.

3. Always Check Their Paws

You never know when your Bernese Mountain dog can hurt their paw. So, it’s best to regularly look at their feet to make sure it isn’t infected or cut up.

In some cases, dirt and other debris can lodge themselves in your pet’s skin so it doesn’t hurt to check. Blisters and cracks can also appear and harm your dog’s health.

Looking out for these signs of damage will keep your pet alive longer.

4. Keep Their Paws Clean

Finally, keep your dog’s paws clean by washing them and even moisturizing them.

This can seem like a lot of extra work but your dog will benefit from this.

You can also try massaging your pet’s paws to keep them in even better condition.

How Do You Know If Your Bernese Mountain Dog Has Webbed Feet?

Webbed feet aren’t as easy to spot as you might think.

Most dogs do have some form of webbing in their paws, to begin with. But, if you want to know, you need to look out for some of the following signs.

This way you can see if they have webbed paws. First, take your dog’s paws and look to see if they are joined together.

True webbed paws will not be completely separated.

Instead, they can be compared to the feet of geese or ducks. A membrane will connect your dog’s toes and create a webbed look.

Different Types of Dog Paws

I talked about webbed dog paws, but what other types of paws can dogs have.

Really, there are three main types of dog paws, this includes webbed feet. The other two types are known as cat and hare paws.

Bernese Mountain dogs can have these other types of paws as well. But this is rare.

1. Cat Feet

Dogs with cat feet have more compact feet with a rounder shape.

These types of paws tend to be on the smaller side and help dogs move fast and swiftly for longer periods of time.

Large and small dogs can have this paw type as these types of dog feet can carry heavier and lighter pets.

2. Hare Feet

Hare feet are also a smaller type of paw, but it gives dogs even greater mobility and speed.

Hare feet are characterized by their distinct shape that is similar to rabbits’ feet.

The middle of the foot is longer and has a greater reach and lets dogs move with great speed.

But they don’t have the same endurance as dogs with other paw types.

3. Webbed Feet

Finally, webbed feet are not as compact as the previous two paw types. They are usually larger and let dogs swim and run quickly.

Dogs that are in areas with more inhospitable conditions tend to have webbed feet.

And the toes are connected with a membrane that makes it easier to hunt and swim.

None of these paws are inherently worse than the other. They just each have their own benefits and advantages that need to be considered.

So, look over the descriptions for each paw type again if this is important to you.


Webbed feet don’t make a Bernese Mountain Dog better or worse. But you want to know if your pet has this trait.

This way you can take proper care of them and know how to keep them happy and healthy.

In today’s post, I went over webbed feet and everything you need to know about this topic.

If you have any questions, go back through the article to learn more about the specifics of webbed paws.

Bernese Mountain Dogs with webbed feet do have some advantages. But with or without this feature they are still great dogs to have.

Authored By

Madeline Wright

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