35 Best Toy Dog Breeds That Are Cute Tiny Dogs

Many pet parents love puppies, but when these puppies become older, you can’t help but wish they remained small forever.

One moment you’re with a cute tiny dog, the next you’re having to deal with a 100-pound canine. That’s not what we signed up for, Nature.

Fortunately, there is a way to have a forever puppy. This involves going after toy dog breeds that remain small and cute even when they become seniors.

No more scary transitions from a little puppy to a gigantesque monster. What could be better than having a small dog breed that remains so forever?

For the love of tiny dogs, getting a toy dog breed is one of the best decisions you can make.

These dogs offer fewer pet challenges compared to their bigger counterparts and are easier to maintain. 

Below, you’ll find a list of the best toy dog breeds you can consider, both in the United States and worldwide.

Before we get into that, let’s have a brief overview of the subject. 

What is a Toy Dog Breed?

According to the American Kennel Club, toy dogs have the main function of making their owners happy.

While some can be gentle and others tougher, they all play the role of companionship.

The United Kennel Club even prefers giving them the term ‘Companion dogs’ rather than toy dogs to emphasize the role more than the size. 

Note that not all small dogs are registered under the AKC’s Toy Dog Group.

Therefore, some of the dogs you see on this list may not feature in the Toy group.

We added them here because of their sizes and because they also play the role of companionship. 

Are Toy Dogs Healthier Than Bigger Ones?

All dog breeds fall ill, and there exist some illnesses that are specific to the breed.

Pugs, for instance, are prone to breathing problems because of their snout. Toy dogs in general are also prone to dental problems. 

That said, experts have found that some particular small dog breeds are indeed healthier. An example is the Havanese.

Experts have also noticed that Toy Dogs tend to have a longer life span.

The health advantage and living space are some reasons toy dog breeds are more advisable, especially to new pet owners.

Here are some of the best tiny dog breeds you can own. 

The Best Toy Dog Breeds For Tiny Dogs Lovers

01. Papillon

Papillon Pup Standing on Grass Looking Aside

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height8 to 11 inches
Weight4 to 9 pounds
Coat TypeSingle, long, straight, fine
Coat ColorsWhite, sable, white, and chocolate
TemperamentFriendly, alert, happy
Life Expectancy12 to 16 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedAverage
Energy LevelHigh

Papillon’s fanciful french name stands for butterfly, a name gotten because of the ears that look like the wings of a butterfly.

Papillon cuts the ribbon for this list and is an amazing companion. 

This breed isn’t a mellow lapdog, though. While it can sometimes relax with you, the outgoing Papillon prefers running around like an actual butterfly looking for a flower to pollinate.

This breed loves everyone and is eager to show that affection.

02. Japanese Chin

Brown and White Japanese Chin Dog Walking on Grass

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height8 to 11 inches
Weight4 to 9 pounds
Coat TypeLong, silky
Coat ColorsBlack and white, red and white, black and white with tan 
TemperamentAffectionate, happy, charming
Life Expectancy8 to 11 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedAverage
Energy LevelLow

The Japanese Chin served as a companion for Asian nobles for a long time.

While the name might make you believe this breed came from Japan, it hailed from China and only got into Japan as a gift. 

The Japanese Chin is a better lapdog than the Papillon because of its lower energy level.

It also has the mannerism of a cat, including jumping on higher places and cleaning itself up.

If you’re a cat person who’s still trying to warm up to dogs, the Japanese Chin is a good first-time breed.

03. Havanese

Havanese Dog Standing with Owner on Grass

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNon-Sporting Group
Height8 to 11 inches
Weight7 to 13 pounds
Coat TypeLong, straight, curly
Coat ColorsWhite, black, black and tan, gray, sable
TemperamentGentle, affectionate, playful
Life Expectancy12  to 15 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelAverage

Like the Japanese Chin, the Havanese was bred to be a companion to a higher class.

In this case, it was a companion to the Cuban aristocrats. It soon became popular amongst other popular personalities, including Charles Dickens and Queen Victoria.

The popularity is for good reason. Havanese is a friend to everyone, including cats.

It is one of the best dogs for new pet parents as it is easy to train. A Velcro dog to the core,  expect this breed to always be by your side. 

04. Maltese

Two Maltese Dogs with Shaggy Long Fur

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height8 to 10 inches
Weight4 to 8 pounds
Coat TypeSilky, straight
Coat ColorsWhite
TemperamentPlayful, Affectionate, intelligent
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelAverage

Maltese is one of the oldest toy dog breeds, having existed for some millennia.

Its many names, including “Ye Ancient Dogge of Malta” and “Roman Ladies Dog”, can attest to that fact. 

While this breed looks delicate and best fit for palaces, it is more down-to-earth in its desire to play around.

It has a lot of energy and enjoys having fun, but can cope in an apartment because of its size.

30 Small Fluffy Dog Breeds That Are Adorably Cute

05. Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffon Dog Sits Outdoors in Summer

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height7 to 8 inches
Weight7 to 12 pounds
Coat TypeRough, smooth
Coat ColorsRed, black and tan, Belge, black
TemperamentSensitive, inquisitive, alert
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedAverage
Energy LevelHigh

The Brussels Griffon differs from others we’ve mentioned so far in that it wasn’t solely bred to be a companion.

Griffon had a job to do, and that was keeping the environment free of rats (Side note: don’t leave a rodent close to this dog.)

Nonetheless, the Brussels Griffon is a good companion due to its friendly attitude and love for its family.

It is also a velcro dog and dislikes being left alone. However, we don’t recommend the Griffon for a new pet because of its bossy nature.

06. Affenpinscher

Black Affenpinscher Dog Standing at Park

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height9 to 11 inches
Weight7 to 9 pounds
Coat TypeWiry
Coat ColorsBlack, grey, tan, silver, beige, red
TemperamentPlayful, stubborn, adventurous
Life Expectancy11 to 14 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedAverage
Energy LevelHigh

The Affenpinscher was also a ratter before it became a companion and a ladies’ favorite.

While it is rarer than many other breeds on this list, it is very much around and is a solid household pet in some American homes. 

Affen, as it is fondly called, is a clownish and funny dog that would leave you in stitches with its comical expressions.

Though small, it can provide some security services by being an alert watchdog. 

07. Chihuahua

Long-Haired Chihuahua Standing on Grass

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height6 to 9 inches
Weight3 to 6 pounds
Coat TypeSmooth, long
Coat ColorsBlack, white, fawn
TemperamentDevoted, alert, lively, courageous
Life Expectancy10 to 18 years
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

Ever met someone who mistakenly refers to all small dogs as ‘Chihuahua’? It goes to show how easily known this breed is.

Though not the most popular toy dog, it is highly famous and renowned. The Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog, but it acts like a big one. 

This breed is an interesting combination of fun-loving and toughness. It loves being around its owners and is generally sweet, but it can get feisty.

This breed is fraught with health issues, so be prudent when buying or adopting one. 

08. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Pup Resting on Bed

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height12 to 13 inches
Weight13 to 18 pounds
Coat TypeMedium, silky, slightly wavy
Coat ColorsBlenheim, tricolor, black and tan, ruby
TemperamentPlayful, affectionate, fearless
Life Expectancy9 to 15 years
OriginUnited Kingdom
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelAverage

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a companion with the Spaniel blood still running inside it. Sure, it would love to stay on your laps.

It would also enjoy running after birds and trying to retrieve them like its ancestors.

Thus, while it makes a good apartment dog, it should be let outdoors to play. 

Far from being a shy type, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel takes everyone as its friend.

Some of these dogs are quieter than others, but they all have the same love for humans.

09. Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested Dog Standing on Grass at Park

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height11 to 13 inches
Weight10 to 12 pounds
Coat TypeHairless, powderpuff
Coat ColorsBlue, lavender, mahogany, copper
TemperamentAlert, happy, intelligent
Life Expectancy10 to 14 years
OriginAfrica, Mexico, China 
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelLow

Regardless of its name, the Chinese Crested didn’t originate from China. No one is quite certain if its ancestors come from Africa or Mexico.

Chinese breeders were responsible for its small size, though, hence the name. The Chinese Crested is a good lapdog because of its low exercise need.

This breed comes in hairless and coated types. It doesn’t have a high grooming need, but that doesn’t make it very easy to take care of. Both coat variants have challenges.

10. Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound Resting on Furniture

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height13 to 15 inches
Weight6 to 15 pounds
Coat TypeShort, satin, soft
Coat ColorsFawn, black, red 
TemperamentAffectionate, athletic, intelligent, playful
Life Expectancy14 to 15 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

The Italian Greyhound is both a companion and a hunter. It was loved by noblewomen in Italy, but is a sighthound and hunted smaller prey.

An old and once revered dog breed, you can find it in some old paintings like that of Pisanello.

As a modern-day companion, the Italian Greyhound should not be limited to being a lapdog.

It is an apartment dog like all others on this list but should be exercised regularly and allowed to move around.

It also needs to be well socialized as it tends to be shy around strangers. 

11. English Toy Spaniel

English Toy Spaniel Pup Standing on Grass

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height10 to 11 inches
Weight8 to 14 pounds
Coat TypeLong, straight, wavy
Coat ColorsBlenheim, black and tan, tri-color, ruby
TemperamentGentle, reserved, loving
Life Expectancy10 to 12 years
OriginGreat Britain
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelAverage

The English Toy Spaniel and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are related, and you’d have to look closely to spot the differences between both.

The English Toy Spaniel was bred to be a companion and had as a fan an old British royal family consisting of Queen Mary of Scotland, Charles I, and Charles II.

A quiet companion, this dog breed is not as gregarious as its cousin. It is rather the picture of a calm, devoted dog with a manageable exercise need.

It is suitable for owners who get easily overwhelmed by excitable animals. 

12. Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher in Standing Height on Leash

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height10 to 12 inches
Weight8 to 11 pounds
Coat TypeShort, sleek
Coat ColorsRed, black and rust, chocolate and rust 
TemperamentClever, playful, assertive
Life Expectancy10 to 14 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

The Miniature Pinscher had the same role as the Affenpinscher in that it was a ratter for homes and stables in old Germany.

Contrary to what people think, this breed is not the mini version of the Doberman Pinscher. Although they resemble, they are different.

The Miniature Pinscher can be both fun and frustrating. New pet parents should be cautious with this breed lest they get overwhelmed.

It needs regular exercise and firm training lest it displays bad behaviors.

9 Dogs That Look Like Dobermans (With Pictures)

13. Manchester Terrier (Toy) / English Toy Terrier

Manchester Terrier Dog Standing on Ground

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height10 to 12 inches
WeightUnder 12 pounds
Coat TypeShort
Coat ColorsBlack and tan
TemperamentDevoted, alert, keen
Life Expectancy14 to 16 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

The Manchester Terrier is a bit controversial. In the United States and Canada, the Manchester Terrier is a breed of two sizes—the Standard and Toy.

However, England doesn’t see things this way. Over there the Toy Manchester Terrier is a different breed called the English Toy Terrier.

That aside, the traits are the same. This breed loves being around its owner.

While it won’t openly demand attention, lack of it can make your pooch anxious and restless.

Because it is a terrier, the Manchester Terrier can be stubborn and needs firm training. 

14. Pekingese

Pekingese Pup Lying on Bench Looking Forward

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height6 to 9 inches
Weight7 to 14 pounds
Coat TypeLong, straight, coarse
Coat ColorsAffectionate, Intelligent, Stubborn, Good-natured
TemperamentAffectionate, wary, sensitive
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelLow

The Pekingese is an old toy breed that existed since the days of Ancient China.

It served as a companion for the Imperial Chinese family, which might explain its dignified manners.

The Pekingese is good for everyone unless you don’t fancy grooming or have toddlers.

The Pekingese is lively and friendly, especially with family. Some can be reserved when they meet strangers.

Sometimes, this breed can get stubborn. It is easy to train, however. 

15. Pug

Female Pug Dog Standing on Grass

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height10 to 14 inches
Weight14 to 18 pounds
Coat TypeDouble, short, smooth
Coat ColorsFawn, black
TemperamentClever, playful, charming
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelAverage

The Pug and Pekingese have a shared origin. Both were bred by the Chinese to be companions and lapdogs.

Like the Pekingese, Pugs enjoyed the comfort of royalty as they were favorites of Emperors and received special treatment.

Not surprisingly, Pug shows a lot of dignity. However, it is also playful and funny. It loves attention and is highly sensitive, so try not to leave it alone for long.

The Pug’s short coat is deceitful as it sheds heavily. You should also try not to overexert your Pug because of its short snout.

14 Dogs That Look Like Pugs But Aren’t

16. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu Puppy Relaxing on Couch
Dominic Buccilli / Pexels

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height9 to 10  inches
Weight9 to 16  pounds
Coat TypeLong, silky
Coat ColorsBlack, black and white, gray and white, red and white
TemperamentPlayful, intelligent, affectionate, spunky
Life Expectancy10 to 16  years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelLow

The Shih Tzu is a companion to the core and can do nothing more than that. It is considered one of the oldest dog breeds, going as far back as the 8,000 B.C.

The history is blurry, but one clear fact is that the Shih Tzu was a prized companion. It remains so today.

The two main challenges you would face with this breed are grooming and separation anxiety.

Its coat requires a lot of care, and the Shih Tzu doesn’t like being left alone. Other than those, owning this breed is easy. 

17. Yorkshire Terrier

Groomed Yorkshire Terrier Dog Resting on Sofa

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height8 to 9 inches
Weight4 to 6 pounds
Coat TypeLong, silky, straight
Coat ColorsBlue and Tan, Blue and Gold, Black and Tan, Black and Gold
TemperamentIntelligent, independent, courageous
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelHigh

Yorkie is everything companion and everything terrier. This English breed was developed from some other Terriers like the Clydesdale Terrier and the Skye Terrier.

It has Terrier blood in its veins, and it displays that in its behavior. 

The Yorkshire is good for an apartment, but do not neglect its exercise needs or it would get restless. It is feisty and sometimes seems to forget its size.

If you have a bigger dog, don’t be surprised when Yorkie challenges it. Its confidence is more than its size.

18. Silky Terrier

Adult Australian Silky Terrier Dog with a Lot of Fur

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height9 to 10 inches
Weight8 to 10 pounds
Coat TypeLong, sleek
Coat ColorsTan, blue
TemperamentFriendly, intelligent, spirited
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

Just like the Yorkshire Terrier, the Silky Terrier acts bigger than its size.

The Australian bred Silky is a relation of the Yorkshire Terrier, and they both exhibit classic Terrier behaviors.

People do expect it from the Yorkshire Terrier but they tend to be surprised when the calm-looking Silky Terrier acts tough. It is normal, though. 

The Silky’s coat can fool you into thinking it is high maintenance, but in reality, the coat is easy to groom. 

19. Toy Fox Terrier

Toy Fox Terrier Dog Relaxing on Chair

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height8 to 11 inches
Weight3 to 7 pounds
Coat TypeShort, fine, smooth
Coat ColorsWhite and tan, tricolor, white and black
TemperamentAlert, playful, friendly
Life Expectancy13 to 14 years
OriginUnited States of America
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

The Toy Fox Terrier is a truly American breed as it is a native of the United States.

It was bred to be more than a companion as it hunted small prey and also kept rats at bay. The Chihuahua and the Manchester Terrier are both ancestors of this breed. 

Toy Fox is a sweet lapdog with a strong attachment to its family.

This devotion makes it wary of strangers, and socialization can help that not get out of hand. It also has the traits of a Terrier. 

20. Toy Poodle

White Toy Poodle Resting on Grass Smiling

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
HeightNot more than 10 inches
Weight6 to 9 pounds
Coat TypeDense, curly, wiry
Coat ColorsBlack, blue, white, gray
TemperamentLoving, loyal, intelligent
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
OriginFrance, Germany
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelHigh

Toy Poodle is not a breed of its own. Rather, it is a size type of the Poodle breed that was bred exclusively for companionship in France.

The Toy Poodle was loved by the Paris upper class and is still loved by Americans today. 

This breed is considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds, regardless of what people think.

It is also loving and loyal to its family. It needs regular exercise as it has high energy. 

21. Pomeranian

Cute Pomeranian Pup Sitting on Grass Smiling

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height7 to 12 inches
Weight3 to 7 pounds
Coat TypeDouble, soft, thick
Coat ColorsBlack, black and tan, chocolate, blue, chocolate, and tan, blue and tan
TemperamentPlayful, friendly, sociable
Life Expectancy12 to 16 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelAverage

Pomeranian is a cute little ball of fluff that was developed to be a companion in Pomerania, a city in Germany.

It was owned by some well-known personalities in history, including Martin Luther (the theologian), Isaac Newton, Mozart, and Michelangelo. 

Though one of the smallest breeds in the world, Pom has a large personality. It is friendly and sweet just as much as it is independent and even stubborn.

Left by itself, Pom can even challenge a bigger dog. 

22. French Bulldog

Black Brindle French Bulldog Resting on Sofa

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNon-Sporting Group
Height11 to 12 inches
Weight16 to 28 pounds
Coat TypeShort, smooth, shiny
Coat ColorsFawn, cream, brindle
TemperamentPlayful, Affectionate, Easygoing, Sociable
Life Expectancy11 to 14 years
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelAverage

The French Bulldog is currently one of the most popular dogs in the United States with celebrities like John Legend, Lady Gaga, and Hugh Jackman owning one.

Despite its name, this breed originated in England where it was bred as a mini bulldog. 

Frenchie makes both a good companion and watchdog due to its many good qualities.

It is gentle and calm, making it appropriate for city life as it won’t disturb your neighbors with incessant barking.

It doesn’t do well with heat, so limit its outdoor time then. 

23. Bichon Frise

Groomed Fluffy Bichon Frise Standing on Grass

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNon-Sporting Group
Height9 to 11 inches
Weight7 to 12 pounds
Coat TypeDouble, soft, coarse
Coat ColorsWhite
TemperamentCheerful, playful, affectionate
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
OriginSpain, Belgium, France
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelHigh

The Bichon Frise is one of the loveliest small breeds in the world. With its white coat and innocent expression, it looks like a walking teddy bear.

Its origin remains unclear, but it seems to have ties with France, Spain, and Belgium.

Part of the Bichon Frise’s charm is its personality. A cheerful pooch, Bichon is a friend of all and makes no enemies.

It can be independent but doesn’t enjoy being left alone.

25 White Fluffy Dog Breeds You’ll Love (Big & Small)

24. Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer Lying on Mat

Breed Overview

AKC GroupTerrier Group
Height13 to 14 inches
Weight11 to 20 pounds
Coat TypeDouble, wiry, loose 
Coat ColorsBlack, salt and pepper, white, black, and silver
TemperamentFriendly, fearless, obedient
Life Expectancy12 to 14 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

The Miniature Schnauzer is more than just a mini version of the Schnauzer and the Giant Schnauzer.

Unlike the Toy Poodle, the Miniature Schnauzer is a separate breed of its own. 

It is an extroverted dog breed with a mischievous streak and a lively personality.

It does have a bit of the Terrier personality—feistiness and high confidence—but it is less stubborn than others. 

25. Cockapoo (Toy)

Miniature Cockapoo Dog Sitting on Grass

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNot recognized
Height10 to 15 inches
Weight6 to 19 pounds
Coat TypeTight curly, loose wavy, straight
Coat ColorsBlack, white, red
TemperamentIntelligent, active, loving
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
OriginUnited States
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedAverage
Energy LevelAverage

The Cockapoo is a designer breed that is a cross between the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle.

It is one of the oldest and most popular hybrids and was bred to get a hypoallergenic dog breed.

Fans of this breed have canvassed for Kennel club recognition, but it hasn’t happened yet.

The Cockapoo is friendly, sweet, and very intelligent. It got the best from both worlds. It is also known as the Cockerdoodle or Spoodle.

Cockapoo Full Grown Sizes: Standard, Mini, Toy & Teacup

26. Pomsky

Pomsky Dog Sitting on Road Looking Up

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNot recognized
Height10 to 15 inches
Weight7 to 38 pounds
Coat TypeDouble, soft, and fluffy
Coat ColorsWhite, blue, grey
TemperamentPlayful, loyal, intelligent
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
OriginUnited States of America
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelHigh

The Pomsky is what happens when a big dog is crossed with a smaller breed. Here, the parents are the Siberian Husky and the Pomeranian.

Most times, it looks like a miniature Husky. 

This hybrid is a friendly, energetic pooch that’s affectionate towards everyone.

However, it isn’t advisable for new pet parents because of the Husky gene.

20 Different Types of Huskies You May Not Know

27. Shih Poo

Shih Poo in the Park

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNot recognized
Height8 to 18 inches
Weight8 to 18 pounds
Coat TypeCurly or straight
Coat ColorsBlack, white, brindle
TemperamentPlayful, clever, affectionate
Life Expectancy13 to 17 years
OriginNorth America
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelAverage

The Shih Poo is a cross between two small dogs, the Shih Tzu and the Poodle.

Like other designer breeds, the aim was to pick the best from both parents in the hybrid.

Shih Poo is newer than other designer breeds we’ve seen so far. 

As a result of having two excellent companion parents, the Shih Poo is a good family dog as well.

It is highly recommended for allergy sufferers and those that want a pet to curb loneliness.

28. Biewer Terrier

Biewer Terrier Dog Standing on Grass Looking Up

Breed Overview

AKC GroupToy Group
Height7 to 11 inches
Weight4 to 8 pounds
Coat TypeLong, straight, silky
Coat ColorsWhite, black, blue
TemperamentAdventurous, energetic, loyal 
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

The Biewer Terrier is a rare dog breed that got recognized by the American Kennel Club as early as 2021.

It originated after the breeding of two Yorkshire Terriers with recessive piebald genes. The Biewer Terrier closely resembles the Yorkie for this very reason. 

Biewer is friendly with family members but can be wary of strangers. It loves to cuddle and also play around.

It can be stubborn during training, so you must be firm. 

29. Norwich Terrier

Black and Tan Norwich Terrier Dog In Countryside

Breed Overview

AKC GroupTerrier Group
HeightUp to 10 inches
WeightUp to 12 pounds
Coat TypeDouble, straight, soft
Coat ColorsRed, grizzle, wheaten
TemperamentAffectionate, energetic, loyal
Life Expectancy10 to 14 years
OriginUnited Kingdom
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

The Norwich Terrier is one of the smallest known Terrier dog breeds, but don’t count on it to be calm and subdued.

It has the Terrier blood that comes with an expected set of behaviors, so it behaves bigger than its size.

Don’t be surprised when it digs in the yard, chases birds, and even tries to pick up a fight. 

On the good side, it is loyal and devoted to its family members. It needs a lot of exercise and firm training.

Also know that it is rare, so finding it might be difficult.

30. Cesky Terrier

Groomed Cesky Terrier Pup Standing on White Background

Breed Overview

AKC GroupTerrier Group
Height10 to 13 inches
Weight13 to 30 pounds
Coat TypeSoft
Coat ColorsGrey-blue, coffee brown
TemperamentCheerful, reserved, quiet
Life Expectancy10 to 15 years
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelLow

The Cesky Terrier is a cross between a Scottish Terrier and a Sealyham Terrier.

It isn’t classified as a designer breed, however, but a purebred dog of its right. It is a rare Terrier.

Cesky is less energetic than other Terriers and may not pose as many challenges during training, which is good news for the novice dog owner.

It has also been successful as a therapy dog.

31. Chiweenie

Close Up Brown and White Chiweenie Dog Standing

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNot recognized
Height6 to 10 inches
Weight5 to 12 pounds
Coat TypeWiry
Coat ColorsFawn, brown, chocolate
TemperamentConfident, spunky, playful
Life Expectancy12 to 16 years
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelHigh

Chiweenie is a designer breed gotten from a cross between the Chihuahua and the Daschund.

It is just as popular as other hybrids we’ve mentioned and has been around for centuries. 

The Chiweenie gets from both parents confidence, spunk, and energy.

It is also recommended for allergy sufferers because of its easy to groom and short coat.

This hybrid can be stubborn, though. 

32. Cavachon

A Cavachon Dog on the Floor with Tennis Balls

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNot recognized
Height12 to 13 inches
Weight15 to 35 pounds
Coat TypeSoft, silky
Coat ColorsWhite, apricot, black, black, and tan
TemperamentLoyal, playful, affectionate
Life Expectancy10 to 15 years
OriginNorth America
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedLow
Energy LevelAverage

Cavachon is a hybrid offspring of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Bichon Frise.

No one knows when this breed started existing, but intentional crossing began in the late 20th century. 

Cavachons are generally low maintenance in many ways. They are easy to train, groom, and even exercise due to their manageable energy.

This mix is usually happy and playful. 

33. Maltipoo

Maltipoo Dog Running on Road

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNot recognized
Height8 to 14 inches
Weight5 to 20 pounds
Coat TypeSoft and silky, thick and curly, wiry and wavy
Coat ColorsWhite, cream, apricot
TemperamentGentle, happy, affectionate
Life Expectancy10 to 13 years
General HealthLow
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelAverage

The Maltipoo is so popular and recognized amongst designer breeds that some assume it is a pure breed.

It came about as a cross between the Maltese and the Toy or Miniature Poodle. 

The Maltipoo was crossed to get a hypoallergenic breed, so it is generally recommended for allergy sufferers.

That’s not where its pros ends. This hybrid is an affectionate and fun-loving companion.

Maltipoo Price: How Much Does A Maltipoo Cost?

34. Coton de Tuléar

Coton de Tulear Pup Sitting on Couch

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNon-Sporting Group
Height8 to 12 inches
Weight8 to 13 pounds
Coat TypeCottony, long
Coat ColorsWhite
TemperamentHappy, smart, playful
Life Expectancy14 to 16 years
General HealthHigh
Grooming NeedHigh
Energy LevelAverage

Coton de Tuléar comes from Africa and resembles the Bichon Frise and Maltese. It acted as a ratter on ships and was also a companion for ladies.

From the Island of Madagascar, it moved to other places, including the United States. 

Now, it is a relatively known companion with the beautiful qualities you’d expect from a family pet.

It has a good sense of humor, is willing to please, and enjoys being around its humans. 

35. Chorkie

Chorkie Puppy Out for a Walk

Breed Overview

AKC GroupNot recognized
Height6 to 9 inches
Weight8 to 15 pounds
Coat TypeSilky, medium
Coat ColorsBrown, white, silver, blue and black
TemperamentCheerful, outgoing, affectionate
Life Expectancy12 to 15 years
OriginUnited States
General HealthAverage
Grooming NeedAverage
Energy LevelHigh

Chorkie, the last dog on our list of toy breeds, is a cross between two spunky breeds, the Chihuahua and the Yorkshire Terrier.

When you get this mixed breed, you’re signing up for some drama and fun. 

It is slowly rising in popularity, partly because of its parents and because of its many advantages.

This mix is loyal and devoted but expects some stubbornness. 

Frequently Asked Question

What is the calmest toy dog breed?

Toy dog breeds have different personalities with some being calmer than others.

It is hard to pinpoint the calmest toy dog breed, but we have some good options. They include the Japanese Chin, Lhasa Apso, and Pekingese. 

What is the most loving small dog?

Small dogs are preferred as companions because they show strong affections. While some might be wary of strangers, a lot of them aren’t.

Some of the most loving small dogs are Papillon, Toy Poodle, Pomeranian, and the Pug

What is the smallest puppy you can buy?

Small dog breeds are all tiny as puppies and retain their puppy looks throughout their lives—though they grow a little in size.

Some of the smallest puppies you can buy are in breeds like the Biewer Terrier and the Chihuahua.

Which Tiny Dog Breed Is Right For You?

There are some considerations to have in mind when deciding which breed to choose.

Those on our list with “Health” tagged “low” are susceptible to more illnesses especially when they are ill-bred.

They still have a long life span and you can reduce the chances of medical complications by getting your pup from a reputable breeder. 

You should also ensure you have a lot of time for any small dog you pick as they don’t like being alone.

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20 Low Maintenance Dogs For Busy & First Time Owners

References & Notes:

  • UKC: Group Designations
  • AKC: Why Do Small Dogs Live Longer Than Large Dogs?
  • AKC: List of Breeds by Group

Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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