Can Dogs Eat Plantains? (Chips, Fried or Boiled)

If plantain is on the top 10 list of your favorite meal, you’ve come to the right place.

Besides the taste that makes you think of all the good things in life, plantain is filled with carbs, minerals, and vitamins.

These essential nutrients keep a person’s body going. Plantain is a close family of bananas (maybe cousins) and is enjoyed by many. 

They help our immune systems and heart. Plantains also forestall diabetes and take care of inflammations. While it should not be overeaten, plantain is a healthy meal for humans.

What about canines? Can dogs eat plantains?

No doubt, dogs won’t say no to any delicious meal, whether it is good for them or not.

Their approach to food is more hedonistic than practical, and they’re always on board for the next meal.

Thus, they will eat plantain if you present it to them. The question is, are plantains good for dogs?

Experts don’t think plantain is toxic for dogs, so it can be a part of their meal.

However, you can’t afford to feed plantains to your dog without understanding just how much they need.

The plantain also needs to be presented in a manner that would be healthy. Your pooch depends on you for their well-being. The baton for his safety is in your hand. 

What’s more, you should know how plantain will be of benefit to your pet, and if there are any risks attached to this tropical fruit.

Only then should you be confident enough to put some slices of plantain in Jackie’s bowl. 

Can Dogs Eat Plantains?

To answer if dogs can have plantain, let’s take a look at the nutritional value of one cup (139 grams) of plantain:

  • Calories: 215
  • Protein: 2g
  • Carbohydrates: 58g
  • Fat: 0.22g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Potassium: 663mg
  • Vitamin C: 23mg
  • Vitamin A: 63ug
  • Vitamin B-6: 0.29mg
  • Magnesium: 57mg

There are no harmful or unhealthy ingredients in this fruit, so plantain good for dogs. What’s more, plantain contains vitamins, magnesium, and potassium, which are beneficial to dogs.

That said, plantain is low on protein, which is an essential nutrient to dogs.

Dogs don’t also need as much carbohydrate as plantain gives. So, you should feed it to them in moderation.

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Are Plantains Good for Dogs?

Drawing from the analysis and conclusion we’ve made, plantain has some benefits to dogs.

Using some of the major ingredients, let’s see how good plantains are for dogs. 

  • Vitamins: The Vitamin C, B-6, and A found in plantain work in different ways. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant in the dog’s body and reduces inflammation.

    Vitamin B-6 produces glucose which gives energy. It also assists the red blood cells and the nervous system, as well as controlling a dog’s hormones.

    Vitamin A strengthens a dog’s eyes and helps develop the cells. 
  • Potassium: Potassium is a critical element and should not be found lacking in a dog’s body. It contributes to cardiac health, better nerves, and stronger muscles. Lack of potassium will make a dog weak and lead to weight loss.

    On the flip side, too much of it has side effects. 
  • Magnesium: Magnesium produces energy for the dog’s cells. It is equally responsible for a normal heartbeat, a balanced immune system, and strong bones. 
  • Carbohydrates: Dogs don’t need a lot of carbs, but it gives them added energy. It is especially good for active dogs who need to work. 
  • Fiber: Fiber helps a dog’s digestive system. However, dogs don’t need too much fiber as that can affect them. 

From all that precedes, it is clear that plantain is beneficial for dogs.

However, do not overfeed them with plantains, nor should it be included in their main diet. Some ingredients are only needed in minimum quantity.

Is Plantain Bad for Dogs?

While plantain is not dangerous for dogs and we’ve done a good job at tooting its horns, some factors may put a crease in the smooth benefits of plantain. 

The main challenge in feeding plantains to a dog is the effect on its sugar level. The high level of carbohydrates will make the glucose level of a dog go up.

For a healthy dog, this shouldn’t be a problem. However, if your dog is diabetic, plantain may cause more harm than good. 

As we’ve seen, potassium and magnesium shouldn’t be too high in a dog’s body or they’ll cause adverse effects.

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There are also some forms of plantain that are not healthy for dogs. We’ll be looking at that in detail, but you should know the way you prepare the plantain matters. 

Can Dogs Eat Plantain Chips?

Plantain chips should not be a problem for your dog (and they will love it) but feed the chips to them with care.

Pooches shouldn’t be allowed to free-feed on chips as it may make them feel sick. Also, make sure the salt is low, and that the chips are free of harmful spices.

Some brands add garlic and onions to the product, targeted towards a particular market.

While it has advantages for the buyers, garlic and onions are toxic for dogs. Avoid getting any chips that contain these. Even better, make it at home with a recipe. 

Can Dogs Eat Raw Plantains?

You may not have a problem with this as dogs may not be tempted to eat raw plantains.

The bland taste and hard exterior will make them lose interest, especially when it is unripe. Even humans wouldn’t attempt that.

That said, if your dog is stubborn (or hungry) enough to attempt taking a bite out of raw plantain, do not let him.

The fiber and starch may upset the dog’s stomach. 

Can Dogs Have Plantain Peels?

Plantain peels have a lot of fiber that will make your dog feel sick and upset in the stomach.

You shouldn’t let your dog eat the plantain peels, even accidentally. 

Ensure you peel away the outer skin of the plantain and dispose of it in a place your dog can’t reach. 

What About Yellow or Green Plantain?

Green plantain is unripe and a bit harder than the ripe version. Some dogs may not like the taste, and would outrightly reject the meal. Other than that, green plantain isn’t unhealthy for dogs. 

Because it may take some time to digest green plantain, feed it to dogs in small, manageable amounts.

When plantain gets ripe, it transforms from green to bright yellow. Hardly any dog will dislike the taste of ripe plantain, and the latter has no toxic nutrient. So, dogs can eat yellow plantains. 

While making it, do not put too much salt or sugar to make it sweeter. The natural, pleasant taste is good enough. 

Can Dogs Eat Fried Plantains?

Fried Plantains

Plantains are fried with oil, and sometimes salt. Oil and salt are unfit for a dog’s system and may be toxic for your doggy

The oil has a high rate of fat, more than your dog needs. It will also increase the cholesterol level of a dog, and this can affect the heart.

Too much salt to a dog can cause vomiting, excessive thirst, diarrhea, and even a spike in temperature.

Generally, dogs should not be fed fried foods. A little fried plantain won’t hurt, but you don’t want your dog getting used to it. 

Can Dogs Eat Boiled Plantain?

Boiling plantain is the most convenient way to prepare plantain for your pet friend. Boiling reduces the starch and fiber from plantain, making it easier for a dog to eat and digest. 

Mind the amount of salt you put while cooking and make sure the plantains cool before serving them to your dog.

How to Prepare Plantain for a Dog?

How to Prepare Plantain for Dogs

Now that we know which forms of plantain are good for dogs, you should prepare them in a dog-friendly manner. Here are some tips to guide you:

  • Boil the plantains, don’t fry them. 
  • It should be without seasoning, salt, sugar, or any other flavor.
  • While plantain shouldn’t be the main meal, you can serve it alone in a moderate amount.
  • To make it more appealing, you can serve the plantain as a supplement to a dog’s main diet.

Related Questions

How much plantains can I give my dog?

Plantains are good and beneficial to your dog, but it is not recommended to give a lot of it to your canine buddy. Start small when introducing plantains to a dog, and keep it at one or two slices or chips. 

What happens if dogs eat plantains?

There are no toxic elements in plantains that should make you concerned if your dog eats some. However, too much plantain can disrupt your dog’s system because of the fiber. 

Can dogs have bananas?

Bananas contain many rich nutrients that will contribute positively to your dog’s well-being. They have potassium, vitamins, biotin, and copper. However, the sugar level in bananas is high. This disqualifies bananas from being the main meal. It should be reserved as a treat.

Is plantain Lily safe for dogs?

Another name for the plantain lily is hosta, and it is not the plant that grows the plantains. Plantain lily is poisonous to dogs and you should never let your dog eat one. Consult a veterinarian if your dog accidentally consumes a plantain lily.

Is plantain weed for dogs?

Plantain weed is less toxic than plantain lily, but shouldn’t be fed to a dog because of the high amount of fiber in it.

Wrap Up

Plantain isn’t a common human food people think about when deciding what to feed their dogs.

This makes it an exotic treat for your pet pooch. Cook it in a way that would be safe for a dog’s stomach, and you should not have problems.

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Authored By

Ben Pierce

Ben Pierce is a canine behavioral and nutritional specialist, professional dog trainer, and the CEO of Puplore. A former military working dog handler, Ben founded Puplore to provide owners with breed-specific information and to act as a go-to guide to health, nutrition, care, and to help them find the confidence they need to step up to the plate and become the best pup parents they can possibly be. A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Ben’s former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business.

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